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And, of course, spoilers ahead!
S2E2 "She's Dying"
In the flash-forward at the beginning of the episode, we discovered that the others (the others being Michaela, Laurel, and Connor) were in on the murder, or at least attempted murder, of Annalise. So, it is just like last season it seems where Wes was the murderer, but the other three were in on it as well. Annalise seems to be losing a lot of blood; there is no way that the show would kill her off, but it is looking that way. Two months earlier, we go back to the case with the brother and sister, and the sister is looking innocent while the brother is looking guilty. This could be a really interesting case. Michaela has now seen the text back from the "Eggs 911" number, and it was a really good scene where she saw the text, and when Connor asked what she was doing, she said that she was looking up information about Nate's case. Laurel started telling her how she couldn't go to the trial, and Asher entered, the one person part of Annalise's team that doesn't know about what happened. Connor made up that they were talking about how Oliver was HIV positive and Connor wanted to have sex with him, and Asher responded with a very Asher-ish line. Oh, Asher. He can be really entertaining.
Nate's case is getting interesting when the prosecutor accuses Annalise of assisting Nate in the murder. She is called up as a witness, and that scene was really entertaining. Also, Bonnie discovers that the brother's DNA was discovered in the aunt's car. Annalise says that Bonnie always brings her problems and never solutions, and Bonnie's facial expression after that was amazing. She looked like she felt so broken. Wes went to get the sister to confess that she and her brother weren't together the entire night. Back in court, the prosecutor gets Annalise angry, and then she remarks on Annalise's temper, saying that she is more than capable of murder. This episode so far has had some really good moments, like this one and the Bonnie one.
Oliver visited Annalise's house to give Connor the apartment keys. Asher, being the idiot that he is, mentioned that he knew that Oliver is HIV positive. We are only getting little bits and pieces of the Oliver storyline at a time, with so much going on in this show, but I am loving what we are getting from it. Meanwhile in court, things aren't going so well when the prosecutor asks Annalise who she thinks killed Sam, and she must say Nate. Then, Eve questions Annalise and accuses her of murdering Sam, in order to protect Nate. I'm thinking that the reason for the others attempting to kill Annalise in the flash-forward is that they think it is the only way they will get away with Sam's murder.
The others suspect that the brother's DNA was transferred to the crime scene, and Oliver discovers that there are two police reports, proving this. There was a great scene between Annalise and Bonnie where Bonnie insisted that she killed Rebecca to protect Annalise. Annalise is then back where she is comfortable, as a defense attorney in court. She kills it with the brother and sister case. Nate is freed when the judge says that she could not tell who the prosecution's case was against, and it's looking like everything is on track to wrap up well. Of course, this is How to Get Away with Murder, that's not happening.
Oliver revealed to Connor how he got HIV, and it was a great scene. Connor blamed himself because Oliver got it when rebounding after Connor cheated. Eve stopped by Annalise's house and there was a great scene between the two of them. I may be sounding like a broken record now, but there are a lot of great scenes in this episode! Annalise would not show any emotion, but Eve got her to. The next morning, Eve tried to get Annalise to move to New York. The episode flash-forwarded again as Connor tried to save Annalise's life. Also dead in the same house, the prosecutor from Nate's case!
This was a great episode. It was a big improvement over last week's, which tried and failed to juggle too many storylines. This season looks to be as exciting as the last!
What did you think of "She's Dying"? Leave your thoughts in the comments!