Telenovela S1E6 Review

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Telenovela has been very up-and-down. I have enjoyed some episodes, but not others. What about this week?

S1E6 "The Hurricane"

The episode starts with the cast discovering that they have to shoot the next day wearing very little clothes, so Ana decides that there will be no food on set for 24 hours. Also, a hurricane is on its way. After they shoot the scene, the crew hurries home, because the cast is hard to be around. Gael, worried about the storm, decides to prepare, as he is the safety captain. He puts up a bunch of cones, which is really funny. Gael is only the safety captain because no one else wanted to be. The storm turns out to be worse than they thought, and they become stuck.

Gael gives the group advice, which is pretty funny. Ana has no filter when she is angry, which is a little bit funny. Xavi goes to Isabella to learn how to cry on cue. Ana tells Gael that he is only the safety captain because no one else wanted to be. Ana is convinced that she can find food, but she only finds prop food, and the names of a lot of them are really funny. She becomes banished to the deserted island set. Gael finds a chocolate bar, and is willing to share it with everyone, but they all act crazy, so he eats it all and gets banished as well. The episode hasn't been that funny so far, but one of the highlights was the reporter on TV, who is pretty funny.

Gael comes up with an idea, he and Ana will run out into the storm to get food for everyone. They go outside, and the storm has passed. They decide that they still want to be heroes, so they pretend that the hurricane is still going on, and get food. This is sort of funny. Isaac asks Roxie out, and despite him thinking there's no chance, she says maybe, and he is very excited, which is a little bit funny.

There were a few funny moments, but overall it wasn't that funny. This was an alright episode.

What did you think of "The Hurricane"? Leave your thoughts in the comments!

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