The CW programming purge continues, as the network has announced that the midseason-bound fourth season of Nancy Drew will also be its final season. The series has always been a poor performer for The CW, and its days certainly looked numbered when a slew of CW shows were canceled last season. Though it managed to escape the cut, having been party of the mass renewal earlier in the season, the cut made it clear that The CW was no longer going to drag out aging, low-rated veterans for as long as they please anymore. Nancy Drew ranked as The CW's second-lowest-rated in-season scripted program last season with just a 0.05 average, below numerous canceled series. Its streaming performance, however, was what set it apart from that pack, and is what will now allow the show to get a pre-announced ending. The fourth season is currently in production, which should allow the creative team to give the show the closure that many other CW shows did not receive. Kennedy McMann, Leah Lewis, Maddison Jaizani and Scott Wolf star in the series.
What do you think of this news? Will you miss Nancy Drew when it ends? Let us know in the comments!
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