The Last Man On Earth has remained a solid performer in a struggling FOX comedy department, typically in the 1.1-1.3 A18-49 demo range and about the same in M18-34. It's one of only four FOX comedies that have yet to go fractional this season, and is averaging a 1.25 A18-49 rating.
Brooklyn 9-9 is in its third season, and while there was no doubt it would get a fourth, its future on FOX was looking a little iffy. Indeed the 4th season of Brooklyn 9-9 will air on FOX, not Hulu or any other platform. Although a solid performer on Sunday, Brooklyn 9-9 went fractional airing as a Tuesday anchor and has yet to recover. It is currently averaging a 1.27 A18-49 rating thanks to front-loaded Sunday episodes.
What do you think of these renewals? Let us know in the comments below!