S7E17 "The Wisdom Teeth"
Axl and Sue come home from college. Axl is angry about having to have his wisdom teeth removed. Brick informs them of new rules, which is really funny. Mike discovers that Rusty's ex-wife came up with the idea for the diaper business, and the scene is really funny because Rusty is hilarious.
Frankie picks up Axl and Sue after their surgery, and it is pretty funny. Mike tries to deal with Rusty and his ex-wife, and it is hilarious because they are so out there. Brick tries to get Axl and Sue to agree to his terms, and Frankie tries to find out information from Axl. Axl tells Sue that she is a great person, and it is really funny and sweet. Brad comes over to help take care of Axl and Sue, but Frankie doesn't like that.
Mike tells Frankie that Rusty's ex-wife can sue them, and Frankie says that they should fight this. Sue sees the video on Brick's phone of what Axl said to her. Their reactions to this are hilarious. Mike tries to execute a plan with Rusty, and Rusty is convinced that the plan should eventually include murdering his ex-wife, which is hilarious.
Sue is still angry at Axl for deleting the video, and it is really funny. She tries to get him to say he loves her, and he leaves through the window, which is hilarious. Mike discovers that Rusty's ex-wife's actual idea was about wearing diapers to sporting events. Axl gives Sue a fork to be nice to her, and she starts crying, which is really funny, because Mike doesn't understand why she is crying.
This was a great episode, as all parts of it were really funny, and each character had a clear objective, which works great in comedy.
What did you think of "The Wisdom Teeth"? Leave your thoughts in the comments!