There is always something more engaging
about an episode which opens in the middle of a case, particularly if the team
are involved. "Indentured" sees a group of ATF agents embroiled in a
heavy gunfight they are losing, their lead agent calling over the airwaves for
help from any law enforcement officers who may be nearby. Sam and Callen hear
and their response is all the more serious as they clearly know each other.
Unfortunately, the bad guys overwhelm the ATF, and without mercy, the lead
agent is shot dead. Sam and Callen arrive at the warehouse too late. Their
involvement in the case was to support ATF in taking down a white supremacist
arms dealer, but the inside man was made before this could occur, and so the
case is taken over by NCIS. The killer, Lukas Meyer is known and the
investigation is to find Meyer and stop the weapons sale. This
opening is reminiscent of S09E23, “A Line in the Sand” where the NCIS team were
under heavy fire and coincidentally, both episodes are written by Frank Military.
As is mostly the case with episodes penned by
Military, there is intense drama, a focus on character and a darkness which
creeps around the edges. Military was also responsible creating and
playing last season’s villain Kessler (S12E05, “Raising the Dead” and so this
episode is the perfect place for the threat of Kessler to
resurface. Kessler’s girlfriend’s decomposed body has been
identified after washing up on the
There is much going on in this episode which takes
the team in several directions simultaneously, maintaining interest and
creating layers within the narrative. Kilbride takes Sam as a partner, dropping
Callen out of the picture as he’s not former military, as Kilbride wants the
trust of Ret. US Army General Collins, who was due to buy hundreds of AK47s
from Meyer and has connections with a right wing militia group. He also wants
to ensure that if Collins is innocent, that he can continue to run for senator
without a blemish to his character, thus protecting the integrity of the
election process. Callen teams up with Rountree whilst Kensi and Fatima go
undercover at a rehab centre, to gain the trust of Meyer’s girlfriend Mia.
Deeks tails Collins although how he can remain inconspicuous when driving a
bright red truck is a mystery. Maybe the bad guys are colour blind?
There is also the revelation that Kilbride has a personal connection with
Collins, leading to the team mistrusting Kilbride, and causing confrontations
between Sam and Kilbride. The theme of trust is part of the
overarching framework of the show (usually with Callen), and it makes a
pleasant change that Sam is at the forefront this time, and for someone other
than Callen to butt heads with someone in a position of higher
The issue of trust runs both ways and in a twist it
turns out that Kilbride is another one who does not trust easily. When the team
arrive to storm the warehouse, ATF are already in position, and Kilbride walks
out with Collins in handcuffs. Trust has to be earned and it is in
short supply between Kilbride and the agents. In a scene more familiar between
Callen, Sam and Hetty, Kilbride engages with the partners by offering them a
single malt to discuss that very topic. In answer to Callen’s questions, he
hasn’t heard from Hetty and doesn’t know if she’s safe. He also reveals that he
is now running the Office of Special Projects. It is unknown if this is
temporary or permanent, or what role Hetty will have if she ever returns.
It has been a very long time since the Office of
Special Projects, a team which (used) to specialise in undercover operations,
actually went undercover. It’s an element which has been sorely missed and
makes an impressive comeback. Deeks has fun with Kensi, creating a shared back
story although there is a missing (cut) scene as
The story then moves on to one of moral ambiguity,
covered by Deeks and Kensi at work and later at home in bed. Deeks is the voice
of conscience, asking Kensi if she thinks she gave Mia the idea and the courage
to kill Meyer. At this point he sounds a little accusatory which is ironic
given his past actions. Mia later sends a video message to Kensi’s undercover
cell phone which the couple watch in bed. Again Deeks offers Kensi the chance
to pursue Mia, however she decides to wait until morning before calling in the
lead. Kensi is at peace with her decision which means Deeks is too,
and the episode closes with saying ‘sweet dreams, my little velociraptor’. The
screen turns black and there is a gentle baby dinosaur growl.
Daniela Ruah (Kensi) absolutely owns this episode
with her undercover performance. She was extremely convincing and
manipulating - for the greater good. Undercover operations have been in short
supply for the last three or four seasons, with characters maybe assuming a
role for a minute or so. Hopefully this is the start of a return to how the
team used to work missions. The use of slow motion captures the horror of the
gunfight, and is utilised towards the end when Kilbride walks with Collins in
cuffs, emphasising which side Kilbride is on. It has sometimes been used ineffectively,
for too long a gun battle sequence, but the direction here is spot on. Overall
this was a thoroughly enjoyable episode and season 13 is definitely off to a
solid start.