S1E21 "P-R-PROM"
The opening scene of the episode was a funny one (though it did seriously remind me of Mitch and Cam's first scene in the pilot of Modern Family), as the family mistakes something other people say for an offensive word. At prom, Ray meets a girl who has recently become pretty and likes him. This is an entertaining situation, and it presents a perfect problem when she says "retard". He tells Dylan about this problem, and her dramatic response is perfect.
However, since she is a pretty girl (and he, unlike his mom, "doesn't have dad"), he gives her a second chance, and is won over by her argument. He gets permission from J.J, and is about to kiss her, but then the voices of his family members in his head gets to him, and he makes his own opinion in a hilarious sequence. The ending is funny, as Ray makes a good argument, and the girl is being convinced, but then the guy from the misfit group shows up, and she chooses him.
J.J. doesn't like getting all of the attention at prom, so he ends up making a group of misfit who celebrate non-prom. This group is entertaining, and they have some great moments, such as when they get quieter as other people walk by. They sort of make J.J. their leader, which is entertaining as well. This story ends with a great moment, as J.J. draws attention to himself with the disco button to keep it away from the tall girl.
Kenneth ends up being the judge in Maya and Jimmy's arguments, which is an entertaining set-up. There are funny moments here, but when they change things up and Jimmy ends up being the judge, things go too far for Kenneth. Maya and Jimmy's relationship with Kenneth plays out like a romantic one, which is funny, especially when they propose to him. And it was very DiMeo when they got mad at him for not reacting they way they would like.
Ray's story was the highlight of this strong episode. The conflict there was perfect, and there were many hilarious moments. The other stories were strong as well, and I especially loved the proposal scene from those.
Score:10 /10
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