Today on this installment of (Why Was This) Seen on TV?, we lament the CBS musical comedy-drama, Viva Laughlin. The show was canceled after two episodes which is a rarity on television.
Viva Laughlin, produced by Hugh Jackman, is a musical comedy-drama about businessman Ripley Holden, whose ambition is to run a casino in Laughlin, Nevada. The actors occasionally break into contemporary songs. Ripley has invested all of his earnings into opening a casino when his financing suddenly falls through. That casino was nowhere near completion. Needing an investor, Ripley approaches rival wealthy casino owner Nicky Fontana. However, Fontana wants to own the casino, and Ripley turns down the deal. Ripley becomes embroiled in a murder investigation after the body of his former business partner is found at his casino [1].
Upon airing, the show received mostly negative reviews. A review from The New York Times quotes, "Viva Laughlin on CBS may well be the worst new show of the season, but is it the worst show in the history of television?" [2]
Newsday called the show a train-wreck. The review started with, "The stud is a dud. And that's only the first of a dozen problems with CBS' admirably ambitious but jaw-droppingly wrongheaded new musical/murder mystery/family drama Viva Laughlin. Let us count the ways it bombs..." [3]
CBS pulled the show after two episodes. It is unknown whether the rest of the episodes will air.
This concludes this installment. Sound off in the comments below!