Final ratings for Monday, May 1st:
Show (Network)
A18-49 Rating
Dancing with the Stars (ABC)
Kevin Can Wait (CBS)
Gotham (FOX)
The Voice (NBC)
Man with a Plan (CBS)
Superior Donuts (CBS)
Jane the Virgin (CW)
Lucifer (FOX)
The Great Indoors (CBS)
Quantico (ABC)
Scorpion (CBS)
Taken (NBC) (F)
On FOX, Lucifer returned from its three-month break to a 1.0, down from the 1.2 it got for its last episode back in January. Gotham, meanwhile was even with last week's 1.0 for its second episode since its return.
On CBS, The Great Indoors is on Monday again for the final two episodes of its season. It earned a 0.8, down from the 1.2 it got last Thursday, and down from the 1.0 it got for its previous Monday airing in March. Earlier in the night, Kevin Can Wait and Superior Donuts also aired the penultimate episodes of their initial seasons. Kevin Can Wait scored a 1.2, up from its last episode which aired two weeks ago and got a 1.1, while Superior Donuts scored a 0.9, down from its last episode on that same week, which was a 1.0. In between them, Man with a Plan was at 0.9, down from the 1.0 it rated most recently. Finally, Scorpion earned a 1.0, down from the 1.1 it got two weeks ago.
ABC and NBC had their usual two-hour reality competition shows followed by low-rated dramas. On ABC, Dancing with the Stars was at 1.6, even compared to last week, and Quantico was up from last week's 0.5 with a 0.6. NBC's The Voice scored a 1.8, down from last week's 1.9, while Taken's 0.8 was even with last week.
And on the CW, Supergirl was even with last week's low of 0.5, followed by Jane the Virgin with a 0.2, even with last week, where it, like Supergirl, hit a low.
What do you think of these ratings? Leave your thoughts in the comments!
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