FOX Renew/Cancel Watch: What's Next?

Canceled Certatin to be Canceled Likely to be Canceled Watching Likely to be Renewed Certain to be Renewed Renewed
Minority Report Bordertown

Grandfathered Family Guy New Girl The Simpsons

Cooper Barrett’s Guide to Surviving Life

The X-Files

Bob’s Burgers

The Grinder


Second Chance

Scream Queens

Sleepy Hollow



Brooklyn 9-9

The Last Man On Earth



What's Up with the Family Guy Scare?
It was a little strange to see that FOX is going to premiere a new comedy where Family Guy generally airs. Yet, it hasn't been confirmed that that will be the show's final time slot. Plus, Family Guy does have leftover episodes after its season finale (it only has 20 episodes this season). The show is guaranteed to come back next year, it's just not gaurenteed that it's getting renewed for another cycle. Does Seth MacFarlane want to move on? Time will tell. I'm sure FOX has a plan, they just haven't really told us what that is yet. 

Drama Update
With the renewals of Lucifer and Rosewood, FOX has very few decisions left to be announced between now and upfronts. Second Chance is pretty much a gaurenteed cancellation, as is Sleepy Hollow if it stays at these low (even for Friday) levels. FOX has already renewed two dramas more than usual (though Scream Queens and Bones are both 1/2 seasons), so the only one I see with a plausible chance of returning is The X Files. It's been reported that FOX wants more episodes, but we may not even hear any news about the show even at upfronts. It all depends on getting the cast back together yet again. 

Comedy Update
Honestly not sure what's taking so long with a New Girl renewal, but I suspect it will come sooner rather than later. Ratings are still relatively good, especially in the W18-34 demo, and is FOX's #1 live-action comedy. Which leaves us with one show: Grandfathered. Ratings simply don't warrant a renewal, so the only thing keeping this one in the "Watching" column is the fact that otherwise they won't be renewing any freshmen comedies. Then again, they could pass off Scream Queens as their freshmen comedy renewal since they've already called it "the #2 comedy on cable" (as I think I mentioned before). 

What do you think of these predictions? Let us know in the comments below!

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