Modern Family S7E18 Review

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This week, Luke and Manny throw a party, and then must hide it.

S7E18 "The Party"

Claire takes Gloria to a spa, Jay and Cam are going to watch a fight together, and Mitch and Phil go to a sci fi movie. Claire becomes suspicious of what Luke and Manny are up to while they are gone, so she drags Gloria back home. Mitch and Phil get offered pot gummy bears, which they hilariously don't realize.

The fight that Jay and Cam are watching ends quickly, and the kitchen is backed up, so they have to wait for their food, which is funny and awkward for them. Claire sends Mitch and Phil to search the house, and it is hilarious when they start to get high. Claire tries to get a confession out of Luke and Manny, which is hilarious. Mitch and Phil find the party.

Mitch and Phil are worried about being bad parents, and there is a funny moment where Haley says that she was so drunk she thought they were stoned. Luke and Manny almost get away with it, but then Claire discovers the party. Mitch and Phil are hilarious throughout this.

This was a great episode, especially Mitch and Phil. Jesse Tyler Ferguson and Ty Burrell did some great acting.

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