Preliminary Analysis: On a socially-distant Independence Day, NBC's broadcast of the 'Macy's 4th of July Fireworks' (0.7) was two-tenths below what it managed in 2019 (0.9). Despite that, it was easily the night's top program and far above what's usually expected on a Saturday night in the summer. A 10pm rebroadcast (0.6) still remained head-and-shoulders above the other networks. ABC came the closest to competing with the peacock network but its lineup of 'AFV' (0.3), 'Shark Tank' (0.2), and 'Good Doctor' (0.2) repeats was still far below the fireworks. CBS had an absolute ghastly showing for a 'SEAL Team' repeat at 8 (0.1) but did a tiny bit better with '48 Hours' repeats (0.2/0.2) at 9 and 10. Fox stayed anemic with 'Celebrity Watch Party' (0.1) and 'Ultimate Tag' (0.1) encores.
(R) = repeat