If you somehow couldn't tell, we're a site primarily focused on television ratings, renew/cancel columns, and reviews. With that comes the coverage of upfronts (when the networks release their fall schedules) and the days leading up to it (where renewals/cancelations/pickups happen). It's basically the can't-miss time of the year. So, here's what we're doing to bring you the best upfront coverage we can:
-On May 7, we will be returning to the podcast Pop Culture Cosmos. It will be live on YouTube and then available on a plethora of other mediums, including iTunes.
-On May 11 and May 12 (a week from Thursday and Friday), the famous HV and the infamous Middle of Old Nashville will be brave enough to go on The TV Ratings Guide's first-ever live talk show/YouTube stream. So, if you liked upfronts before but wish you could actually hear people talk about it via, you know, their real voice, here you go.
-Also that week, much of a TVRG team will be posting articles pertaining to the exciting news, so stay tuned for updates. Most of the news is expected to arrive on May 11 and May 12.
-Of course, we all have final Renew/Cancel columns to do, so stay tuned for those as well.
So make sure to tell your fellow ratings friends about us and the coverage we are doing in the upcoming weeks, as the more people we have, the more fun this will be for everyone!