2020-21 Season to Date Report (9/6/2020-6/27/2021): Republic of Sarah Is Not Solid But Welcome on CW

Happy 4th of July TVRG readers.  Today marks 245 years this country has stood since a bunch of irritated colonists declared their independence to a bunch of outdated Brits (back then; America and Great Britain since become besties in the last century or so).  America's push for independence mirrors CW's 15-year history on the air.  They knew they'd never be accepted as an equal in the elite leagues of large networks.  FOX took the same time on the air to be regarded as a regular vs the joke of the Nielsen world.  CW knew they'd never reachen even the modest of goals in becoming the 3rd place network among the Nielsen race, and they opted to forfeit at the best time.  

Their birth year marked the first of noticeable declines in ratings, a trend showing no slowing of sorts.  Instead of fighting for desperate grabs at Nielsens, CW updated the broadcast network model.  In recent years, they bulk renew the majority of their prized pieces, even handing them a renewal prior to launch.  Their devotion entices viewers to return season after season, whether viewing live or streaming.  CW was the first of the 5 English speaking networks to pay emphasis to streaming, and evidently something works as their doors remain open (having outlived parent networks WB and UPN by 3 1/2 seasons).  And they trend!  If only CBS shows could hold the same buzz.

CW also decided to break out of the "Start in late September, load a bunch of crap repeats between and wrap up mid-May" model known to television for an eternity, which is why TVRG has something to report in the dullest summer months.  Most recently, The Republic of Sarah launched to number only a hair above Friday's joke/soap Dynasty.  The show is hardly a strong player, yet holds marketability in the summer spacing of the schedule.  Its 0.09 average leaves it as a Likely Renewal as it is mediocre for CW Nielsen standards but passable and an update to the superhero mainstays.  

And of course, there's 214 showings to report below.  Some richly deserved their renewals (check out the top 50), a few are renewal jokes (Check out the show in 151st Place), some are gone too soon (See 110th Place), some leave readers asking "How the fuck did this get renewed!? (Check out 106th Place), or "Did the network plot and burn off this show?" (75th Place remains a glaring example of this).

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