Struggling NBCUniversal streamer Peacock, seeking to capitalize on events from the recent Academy Awards, has announced plans to revive the 2015 Melissa George/Uma Thurman-led miniseries The Slap. The series centered on the aftermath of a slapping incident at a birthday party. The next, just-ordered second season will see the show transition to an anthology format. Will Smith and his wife Jada, as well as comedian Chris Rock, have all signed on as series regulars, with the longline for the show stating that it will recreate "what is by far the darkest and most traumatic event in Hollywood history." Producers are in talks with other attendees of the 94th Oscars, including Amy Schumer, Wanda Sykes, Lupita Nyong'o, Questlove, Jessica Chastain, Nicole Kidman, Ariana DeBose, Troy Kotsur and Jane Campion, to have them appear on the show in either main or recurring roles. This is not Peacock's first project with Smith, who produces the hit drama Bel Air, based on his NBC sitcom from the 1990s. All twenty-eight episodes of season two of The Slap are set to drop on Peacock in winter 2023 in a binge release format.
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