Kathy Griffin to Take on Serious Role in Kate Is Enough; Smoo CANCELLED

Written Loathing Reality by Bridger Cunningham

 During a recent appearance on Jimmy Kimmel, comedienne/actress Kathy Griffin announced she has taken on a serious role as an embattled mother enduring a midlife crisis on NBC. A middle-aged nurse desperately demanding to be noticed, pediatric nurse Kate is saddled with a philandering husband and a mob of children. Cameras and gossip lead the harried mother to set aside her career and family life in pursuit of becoming a dance sensation on a reality TV platform and explore the limelight. Kathy Griffin declared this dramatic piece "is my Malcolm X".

It appears TVRG contributor will have to have a seat in her own metaphoric fireplace, as her articles have been cancelled by the growing site.  A controversial figure, she helped launch the site's freshman year with such features as "Smoo Says" and "How to Get Away With Dismantling a Website." Smoo's ambitions paid, as the site saw then-record breaking growth in performance.  However, these titillating pieces ceased inside the 2015 calendar year, and other article platforms launched.  TVRG thanks Smoo for her unique marketing and promotion and will be moving forward with other article platforms.

Originating in friendly competitor TV By The Numbers's comments section in 2013, she generated humor with her tart, crass remarks and wordplay.  She also earned the notorious reputation for feuding, as she inflated comments sections fighting with unruly posters, earning her a permanent ban from TVBTN.  Rather than lie defeated, Smoo brought her unorthodox marketing and biting words to help launch TVRG as a mainstay.  Her methods of satire and plugging adjacent sites' comment boards delivered record high net traffic in 2015.  Appearances are sporadic, but Smoo is bound to return in some form to bring color to TVRG.

Note from theratingsjunkie: Hey, it's still April Fools Day on the West Coast, let's enjoy it.

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