The DiMeos have a purge, where they go through all of their mail, emails, and voicemails. This is a very DiMeo thing, and it is entertaining. Through this, they discover that J.J's history teacher has contacted them using every means. Maya goes to talk to him, and discovers that J.J. has been cheating, as Kenneth gives him all of the answers. Also, the teacher here is very funny.
Maya discovers that J.J's teachers are cutting him a lot of slack, so J.J. isn't trying. Also, J.J. has an Emma Watson obsession, and this is hilarious. J.J. ends up being worried about being dumb, but Kenneth encourages him, and tells him that he isn't dumb. This story ends up being really sweet, and there is a very funny moment when Kenneth wants to tell someone his score on the test, and Maya doesn't let him.
Ray, in a quest to find out how he can make the most money, winds up getting involved in a pyramid scheme, where he has to sell jewelry. I'm not totally convinced that Ray would be so obsessed with money at the start, but this story ends up being very funny as Jimmy helps him sell the jewelry.
Ray ends up revealing to Jimmy why he wants to make a lot of money, to support J.J. This leads to a serious family discussion between the four of Maya, Jimmy, Ray, and Dylan. This discussion is very real, and it makes sense that they wouldn't have talked about this yet, because Maya and Jimmy like to live in the present.
Also this week, Dylan got to have some very funny moments when she becomes cool without even trying. I especially loved when she tried to convince everyone to be themselves, and then realized how terrible their ideas are, so she decided that she would decide what they all wear.
This episode worked very well, as it applied all elements of what Speechless is and the show's tone that it has set up to this point. There were many great funny moments, J.J's story had a sweet resolution, and the conversation between the four family members was perfect.
Score: 10/10
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