Thursday TV Ratings: Game Night Even, Greatest Hits Sinks

ABCBattlebots - 0.8Greatest Hits - 0.6Democratic National Convention - 0.7
CBSThe Big Bang Theory (R) - 1.3
Life In Pieces (R) - 1.1
Big Brother - 1.8Democratic National Convention - 0.8
NBCRunning Wild With Bear Grylls (R) - 0.7Hollywood Game Night - 0.7Democratic National Convention - 0.9
FOXHome Free - 0.6Home Free - 0.5
CWLegends of Tomorrow (R) - 0.3Beauty and the Beast - 0.2

On the last night of the DNC, ABC unrolled Battlebots (0.8) which was up a tenth from
last week's low, but the alarm bells started ringing on Greatest Hits (0.6) which downticked
and is in disaster territory, now down half a rating's point from it's promising 1.1 debut. CBS
had more repeats of The Big Bang Theory (1.3) and Life In Pieces (1.1) followed by Big
Brother (1.8) which was up a tenth and topped the night. NBC had a repeat of Running
Wild With Bear Grylls (0.7) followed by the return of Hollywood Game Night (0.7) which
was even with it's result that got it pulled off the schedule, but it's at least a bit more respectable
in the summer. FOX unveiled Home Free (0.6/0.5) which tied it's season high at 8 but was
back down at 9, even though both these results are awful, it was still above it's dreadful
result from last week. And the CW had another Legends of Tomorrow (0.3) repeat which
was finally up from it's streak of 0.2s and Beauty and the Beast (0.2). On the last night of
the DNC, CBS (0.8) spiked thanks to a Big Brother lead-in putting ABC (0.7) which
was even from last week in last place, but NBC (0.9) still won over all of them. 

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