Jess's Take: Revisiting the Oversaturation of Summer Game Shows

Hey folks, welcome to a two part issue of Jess's Take. In part one, I'm going to revisit the oversaturation of game shows.

ABC Sunday Fun & Games Lineup Plus To Tell the Truth, Oh My!
It's the fourth week of the Sunday Fun & Games lineup, and Celebrity Family Feud has underperformed its expectations. Although a 1.5 is still a renewable number given the state of summer programming, I'm starting to wonder if this is going to last. The $100,000 Pyramid seems to be a clear winner this summer, but Match Game, although respectable, proves to be a weak link on the lineup.

The weakest link is definitely To Tell the Truth. However, it's in a difficult time slot. The fact that it hasn't gone fractional yet is a testament in of itself.

The verdict is in: ABC is definitely being oversaturated with game shows. Although it is still too early to tell at this point, Celebrity Family Feud is definitely down from last season, and it's six tenths of a ratings point to be exact. Not to mention, that's a drop of 30% year to year. I wouldn't exactly call this good news.

Question: Could the show be canceled, especially given that Paul Lee was ousted at ABC earlier this year and was replaced by PR Jedi and Shonda buddy Channing Dungey, all because Ben Sherwood wants more procedurals. Ironic much?

Stay tuned for part two: Uncle Buck's cancelation reasoning.

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