1) Cartoons for Adults

I created this quiz last week, and I really enjoyed creating it. I love animated shows, especially ones like Archer and Bob's Burgers. I tried to include some very popular shows, as well as some shows that only lasted a season or so. It was interesting to see the results, because I was surprised by them.
# of Questions: 25
My Score: N/A
2) Pick the Different: TV Voice Artists

This is the quiz that made me choose Animation as the week's theme. I thought it was a really unique and interesting quiz that I would really love to see more of. It was a lot harder than I initially thought it would be. I never realized how many roles that some voice actors play.
# of Questions: 26
My Score: 15/26
3)Animation by Necktie (Picture Click)

This quiz was really neat. I found it when looking for quizzes for this post, and I'm glad I did. This quizmaker always makes really great, unique quizzes that I really find fun. This quiz is no different.
# of Questions: 24
My Score: 23/24
Once again, it is time for the contest. Here's what you need to do to enter:
1) Play all three quizzes.
2) Comment your score on each quiz in the comments.
On Friday, I will post the results of the Contest.
I hope that you have enjoyed this post (And the quizzes). I'll be back in one week with yet another installment.
If you missed it, here's the unpublished quizzes edition.
And here's the Inaugural Edition.
And the qlh27 Edition.
And the Editor Picked Edition.
1) JB- 69 Points
1) The Middle of Nashville- 69 Points
3) Andrew- 58 Points
4) Full Boyle- 54 Points
5) theratingsguide- 52 Points
This is the fifth week of the 1st TVRG-Sporcle Tournament. For each week, the winner of the week gets a varying amount of points, depending of how many people participated. If 5 people participate, the winner gets 4 point, if 6 participate, the winner gets 5 points, etc. For each place lower, the point increment drops by one point. At the end of 10 weeks, the person with the most points will win.
Tournament Standings:
1) The Middle of Nashville- 19 Points
2) JB- 16 Points
3) Andrew- 12 Points
4) Full Boyle- 4 Points
5) HV- 2 Points
6) theratingsjunkie- 0 Points

Contest #6 will be a bit late, but should be released tonight.