| |
The Bachelorette - 1.4
Democratic National Convention - 0.7
| |
NCIS (R) - 0.7
Zoo - 0.8
Democratic National Convention - 0.4
| Hotel Hell - 0.9 |
Coupled - 0.5
| |
America's Got Talent - 2.2
Democratic National Convention -1.3
| |
Whose Line Is It Anyway? (R) - 0.4
Whose Line Is It Anyway? - 0.4
MADtv (P) - 0.3
For a Men Tell All special, The Bachelorette (1.4) crashed on ABC half a ratings point
below last week's result. This led NBC's America's Got Talent (2.2) to dominate the
night down a tenth from last week. The rest of the originals couldn't crack a 1.0 as
a repeat of NCIS (0.7) led into Zoo (0.8) which was flat. FOX had Hotel Hell (0.9)
which tied it's season high and Coupled (0.5) which stayed low. The CW had a
repeat of Whose Line Is It Anyway? (0.4) then an original (0.4) followed by the
premiere of Madtv (0.3) which got off to a low start despite some solid repeat
and special ratings. On day 2 of the DNC, NBC (1.3) dominated up two tenths.
ABC (0.7) and CBS (0.4) went down two tenths.