Format for predictions:
Show title (network) (average adults 18-49 rating, season low-season high)
Certain to be Canceled
Likely to be Canceled
Houdini & Doyle (FOX) (0.7, 0.6-0.7)
Likely to be Renewed
Wayward Pines (FOX) (0.9, 0.9-0.9)
Certain to be Renewed
Fate Determined
Beauty and the Beast (CW) FINAL SEASON
Yet to Premiere
American Gothic (CBS)
Aquarius (NBC)
Beauty and the Beast (CW)
BrainDead (CBS)
Mistresses (ABC)
The Night Shift (NBC)
Uncle Buck (ABC)
Zoo (CBS)
Wayward Pines: The second-season series returned to a 0.9 rating. The most difficult thing about predicting Wayward Pines last season is that I had no idea what ratings FOX was looking for. This season, I have a better idea at least. FOX liked the ratings that Wayward Pines got last season. Last season, it started at 1.0, went as high as 1.2, and dropped as low as 0.9. I think that slightly lower will be alright, so a premiere at 0.9 seems fine. However, it could drop in upcoming weeks it dropped in the second half-hour by a surprising amount, and critical response has been less positive. We'll have to wait and see if Wayward Pines remains likely to be renewed.
Mistresses: An incorrect prediction that I was very unsure about, Mistresses returns for a forth season in this upcoming week. I thought it may have chance at renewal because, if it was canceled, ABC would have canceled all four of their summer series. This year, with only two summer series, it wouldn't be as bad for them to cancel both. However, they may find no need to, as Mistresses is getting the lead in of The Bachelorette.
The Night Shift: Another show returns this week, NBC's The Night Shift, which got impressive ratings for summer two years ago and disappointing ratings considering its lead-in last winter following The Voice. However, it has returned, likely due to the power of Sony. It premieres following American Ninja Warrior, and will get the lead in of America's Got Talent later on in the season. These lead ins and Sony make things look good for The Night Shift, but we will have to wait to be sure.
What do you think of my predictions? Leave your thoughts in the comments!