In this episode of Superior Donuts, Franco has a new girlfriend, but Sweatpants thinks that she is only dating him to show him off to her rich family and friends. Also, Arthur raises prices so he can buy a new boat motor, but he ends up not paying much attention to Randy and Tush when all of the younger and richer people come in. It was nice to see a Franco dating episode again, especially since he went out with someone other than Sophia, but I am kind of tired of Arthur interacting with the younger crowd who do not typically go into his 60s donut shop.
The episode starts by Arthur saying that he needs a new motor for his boat. Randy suggests that he raises his prices, and Fawz adds that the new people in the neighborhood can afford it. Arthur is scared that he will lose his customers by raising prices. I did not like that topic being brought into the episode, since the show is basically about trying to get a younger crowd in the shop because the shop is basically a 60s shop. Maybe the episode could have been about Arthur trying to afford the motor by having a fundraiser.
Then, a girl walks in, and she and Franco start kissing. Franco then introduces his new girlfriend, Tavi. She is an artist, and Franco has told her all about everyone at the shop. Arthur then decides to lower his prices.
Tavi walks back into the shop and introduces her artistic friends to the shop. It is then revealed that her parents have an island with a groundskeeper. Tavi then says that Franco is coming to her art show tonight, and Sweatpants will also tag along. Fawz convinces Arthur to rise his prices by a huge amount. Also, Sweatpants tells Franco that Tavi is only dating him to make herself look open to hanging out with people with less money than she has. Franco and Sweatpants then show up at Tavi's art show, and Franco then says something insulting about her father. Franco then meets his father, and the two seem to bond pretty well. Franco then leaves and accuses Tavi of only dating him to show him off to her rich family and friends, like Sweatpants suggested.
As Arthur keeps charging the new costumers way too much on the donuts, Randy admits that she does not like that the last thing in old Chicago is now transforming into another shop from the 21st century. When Tush walks in, one of the new costumers has his seat. This is another storyline in the show that I am getting tired of seeing, Randy/Tush vs Arthur. Franco then talks with Sophia about his breakup with Tavi, and she says that he needs to give it a chance because he never knows if it will work, which causes Franco to go to the art show, and he makes up with Tavi, and he bonds with Tavi's father.
When Tush and Randy walk back into the shop, Arthur sees powdered sugar on Tush's face, and we find out that they have been hanging out at the competing donut shop in Chicago. Randy then talks to Arthur about how he was never in it for the money, and Arthur then announces that he is lowering prices on the donuts again, which basically removes all of the rich people from the shop.
This episode had some funny moments, but I found the raising prices storyline to be quite annoying. The rich people did not have any chemistry with Arthur, and it was clear that their "bond" was very going to last. Plus, it was another episode on Randy trying to teach Arthur how to run the shop, and once again, Fawz kept reminding everyone that he is a greedy business man. I liked the other storyline though. It was nice to see another dating episode with Franco, especially since a lot of episodes have been about Franco's relationship with Sophia. This was an ok episode, not the best of the season.
Score: 7.5/10