For its entire run, The Detour has been a very unique show. That's pretty undeniable. It's a show that is constantly re-inventing itself, and that has never been more true than during its third season. Not only did the show once again take us to a different place (this time the state of Sarah Palin and caribou), but it also gave us creative episodes that frequently deviated from its main plot. In the case of this show, that's a great thing. Episodes such as "The Boat" and "The Water" added to the season's plot and gave us additional, laugh-filled information about one of the most bonkers families on televison. That's one of my favorite things about this season. Those types of episodes aren't usually all that great, but the show took something that is usally a weakness and made it into a true strength.
One constant for this show, a show where consistency is rare, is that its characters are always facing conflict. It's been that way since day one, and it will probably stay that way for its entire run. Whether it's a conflict with USPIS, family issues, or LARPing cowboys, the family really just can't catch a break. That surely provides for some funny plots, but keeping a show interesting when you just know the characters will never come out on top is hard. The show does keep things interesting, but it would be nice for a little change every once in awhile. A victory for the characters might be nice for once.

The season's finale is definitely one of my favorite episodes of TV from 2018, and is probably my favorite Detour episode. It was so perfectly bizarre that it just fit right in with this show. So much happened in just a half-hour, making for a fascinating and gripping episode of TV. It perfectly wrapped up the season's storyline, and set up season four in a way that makes me very confident about the show's direction. The twist at the end was one that I never saw coming, with PArker daugher Delilah fleeing after a carefully-hatched plan. It also united USPIS agent Edie and the Parkers, ending the season's central point of conflict. It was a great way to send it out.

A true MVP this season was Laura Benanti's Edie, who was just bumped up to the main cast this season after taking a less prominant role last season. Benanti does a phenomenal job of bringing the slightly (okay, very) insane Edie to life. Benanti somehow managed to make what should have been an unlikable and villainous character into one incredibly likable and even a bit relatable. The revelation in the big finale episode made it clear why she was so obsessed with the Parkers, and made one of her earlier life decisions quite questionable, and made it even more apparent than before that she's got some real issues. While she's seemingly not the Parker family's biggest problem, something tells me that it's not all sunshine and roses for her from here on out.
In the end, this season of the Detour was one of the strongest seasons for any cable comedy during the 2017-18 season. While I had some issues with it, the season was for the most part an enjoyable ride that made me craving more. An increased focus on Edie was a great creative decision, and increased background of the other characters was also a smart choice. The more we learn about them, the more deeply you care for the characters and the better the show is. Another high point this season was the resolution of a looming plotline from season two, which was resolved in a great, very Detour-like way. While it had its flaws, this season of the Detour was solid from start to finish, and was even better than the second season.
Grade: 8.5/10
Score: B+