There's no denying it: last night was very much Roseanne's world. The other shows were just living in it. The reboot of the iconic ABC comedy premiered last night, and it did better than pretty much anyone expected. With a 5.1 start, it's the highest we've seen so far for any non-sports episode this season, and that is pretty exceptional. The show rose from 4.9 at 8 to 5.3 at 8:30, showing that not only was the interest there, it was sustained and even grew, at least for the premiere. It's anyone's guess where this one ends up, but it's pretty safe to say that it'll probably end up as a pretty big win for ABC. Behind that, Blackish was boosted to what was easily a season high, 2.6. This more than doubles what it did just last week. But the real non-Roseanne winner was Splitting Up Together, which held onto much of its Blackish lead-in and launched to megahit numbers, despite not having that giant Roseanne lead-in. To put into perspective how great this is for Splitting Up Together, remember that The Good Doctor, one of the biggest drama hits of the season, launched to that same 2.2. And at 10, For the People rose three tenths, but really didn't do impressively at all with a 0.9. It's a series high for sure, but this is also the highest lead-in it's ever gotten (by A LOT), so it had really no excuse to not get one. Elsewhere, the effects of Roseanne and ABC's big night were certainly showing. NCIS fell two tenths in its return from a one-week break. It's not a bad rating at all considering, but the effects are still there. Behind it, Bull returned steady at 1.2, looking like a real chap with against in increased ABC competition. Meanwhile, NCIS: NOLA was also steady, just at lower numbers. NBC was probably the most affected, with The Voice taking a massive six-tenth drop from last week to 1.6, Rise dipping into fractionals with an awful 0.8. At 10, Chicago Med fell the lead of the NBC shows, but still hit a season-low 1.0. And of the rest of the crop, Fox's comedies both dipped to low 0.6s against the not-as-huge ABC comedies, while Black Lightning held.
Rebecca's Ratings Winner: Oh, come on. Roseanne in a cakewalk.
Finals Update: Roseanne (+0.1), The Mick (+0.1) and The Voice (+0.1) adjusted up. Bull (-0.1) and Splitting Up Together (+0.1) adjusted down.
18-49 Ratings
Viewers (mil)
8 PM | Roseanne (Revival Premiere) | 5.2/21 | 18.16 | ABC |
| The Voice | 1.7/7 | 8.88 | NBC |
| NCIS | 1.3/5 | 11.77 | CBS |
| Lethal Weapon (R) | 0.5/2 | 1.88 | Fox |
| The Flash (R) | 0.2/1 | 0.82 | The CW |
9 PM | Blackish | 2.6/10 | 8.71 | ABC |
| Bull | 1.1/5 | 10.67 | CBS |
| Rise | 0.8/3 | 4.48 | NBC |
| LA To Vegas | 0.6/3 | 2.02 | Fox |
| Black Lightning | 0.5/2 | 1.54 | The CW |
9:30 PM | Splitting Up Together (Series Premiere) | 2.1/9 | 7.20 | ABC |
| The Mick | 0.7/3 | 1.79 | Fox |
10 PM | Chicago Med | 1.0/4 | 5.81 | NBC |
| For the People | 0.9/4 | 3.58 | ABC |
| NCIS: New Orleans | 0.9/4 | 8.55 | CBS |
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