Off Topic -- March 2020 Thread (2019-20 Season)

Welcome to Off Topic. I decided to taper this to a monthly thread. 

Week 25: Starting with this week, the OT thread will be updated weekly on the monthly threads. Just like with summer, a week has been added to the thread and threads have been republished on the top of the page. With that being said, let's discuss away! 
Week 26: What a weird week this has been. I'll be on PCC Multiverse today discussing television and some of the impacts from COVID-19, which has already seen school closings, churches going remote, and the like. It's a new week, so let's discuss away! 
Week 27: The COVID-19 pandemic continues. Bars and restaurants are closing or have closed to the public. Colleges are doing remote instruction. TVRG is going strong. Let's discuss away! 

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