Brooklyn Nine-Nine Season 7 Episode 6 Review [’Trying’]

***Spoilers Ahead***


Andre Braugher (left), Dirk Blocker (center), Terry Crews (right). Photo Credit: NBC

Every once in a while, Brooklyn Nine-Nine tends to abandon the case-centric storylines and delve into a premise solely based on the mishaps the characters face outside of their work environment. Given how the foundation of Brooklyn is a hotbed for perilous chase sequences and face-offs with gun-toting criminals to take place, swerving away from that air-tight formula does not always result in an installment that knocks it out of the park. Luckily, 'Trying' manages to keep viewers on edge despite chronicling a relatively low-risk scenario. Even if it does not pass with flying colors, the episode does a fantastic job at tying together numerous plots involving the well-established dynamics that the series has nurtured for the past seven years. 

'Trying' primarily focuses on a framework that has been laid out since the season's debut. Jake and Amy spend the majority of the episode making use of every strategy in their power in order for Santiago to get pregnant. While not a synopsis uncommon to the word of family sitcoms and workplace comedies alike, the way the writers tackle the issue is what sets Brooklyn's rendition apart from the rest. After months of trial & error, there is no happy ending for the duo as they are unable to create a child. Even if the two end up successful in a future outing, the harsh reality detailed in 'Trying' makes it clear that the series will continue not sugarcoating when provided the opportunity to do so. The final scene involving Amy revealing once more that she is not pregnant could have easily been a triumphant moment where Peralta & Santiago finally made a baby. Instead, the sorrow and lifeless atmosphere gave the scene a strikingly realistic tone. Additionally, Nine-Nine deserves much praise for continuing to bring up the concept of adoption as an alternative. Even though the amusing moments are kept to a minimum and the story does not truly progress, the A-plot still delivers some vividly distressing moments that would be completely foreign for most sitcoms. 

The second major plot point of 'Trying' begins and ends in a remarkably similar fashion. After a tumultuous ride, both stories return back to square one before the half hour ends. From the moment Hitchcock married the woman he met at his divorce party (Anna Bogomazova), it was blatantly clear the ordeal would never last. In the rare moments Hitchcock and/or Scully are gifted the chance to helm a story, they still remain firmly in their comic relief boxes, unable to provide the series with any sort of emotional richness. Nonetheless, a lighthearted premise is a welcome addition in an episode featuring two of the main characters failing to start a family. Watching Hitchcock and Scully roam the streets of New York to find the woman Hitchcock met at Shaw's Bar (in a Cinderella-esque fashion) made for some engaging tidbits of dialogue between the seasoned police officers.

Furthermore, a more minor subplot in 'Trying' centers on Rosa and Boyle trying to hide a pair of guinea pigs after Terry tells Boyle to do away with them. To their dismay, the guinea pigs keep reproducing, putting the two in an incredibly difficult situation. One would be hard-pressed to remember the last time Rosa & Boyle were the main focus of a story. While it may get overshadowed in the mix, this was still a fairly harmless and pleasant plot-line. Considering how Boyle showered Diaz with unwanted advances back in season one, it's always satisfying to see that the two still maintain a solid friendship despite going through that rough patch.

The most enjoyable story to come out of this outing is also the odd man out. While the other three have pregnancy as the focal point (Jake & Amy trying to have a baby, Hitchcock seemingly impregnating Anna, and the guinea pigs reproducing), the story involving Holt's difficulty adjusting to being a beat cop does not follow that theme. Instead, we are met with Terry being in charge of Holt and Holt being irritated by the menial routine he is forced to complete day-in and day-out. This plot manages to place Braugher's character back in a downtrodden place but without the bleak undertones of the season seven opener. Instead of his mundane tasks putting him down, Holt makes the most of his duties and actually picks up some new skills along the way. It's a wholesome and genuinely uplifting narrative that fits perfectly in an episode full of setbacks.

To sum up, 'Trying' is an ambitious and unorthodox episode of Brooklyn Nine-Nine. Unlike any other from the show's run, this installment makes use of four different storylines instead of the usual two or three. As a result, it's clear the writers struggled a bit trying to cram in several different plots in a twenty-two minute interval. Nevertheless, they also ended up connecting each story fairly well in an almost Seinfeld-esque manner. Although it lacks the action and suspense prevalent in some of Brooklyn's finest installments, the heart and comedy shine through and make for a strange but relatively enjoyable entry.

Stray Thoughts
  • Hitchcock denouncing Bloomberg's soda ban was hilarious but came a week too late. Would have been better if he made that remark while Bloomberg's ads played during the commercial break.
  • Episode 8 of the season features the return of the Pontiac Bandit. So far, this season has been on a roll!
  • A good portion of the episode felt reminiscent of season 3's 'Hostage Situation'. Boyle ended up going with adoption and it seems like Jake & Amy may follow that route as well.
  • The following episode focuses on Holt dealing with a personal loss. Would be devastating if it's about Cheddar passing away since the dog who took on the role died.

Grade: B

What did you think of 'Trying'?

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