The episode begins with Carol running into the control room to tell the crew that China has launched a missile. They all scramble to get the story on the air. Chuck reports it on-air, and then everybody starts freaking out. And then, Katie asks Carol where she saw the story. Then, Carol says that CHINA didn't launch a missile, Blac Chyna launched a lipgloss line. And of course, Portia being Portia, she thinks that's "so much worse." Katie and Greg run into each other in the elevator, and they're about to start talking about what happened the other day when Chuck interrupts them. At a meeting, Greg tells everyone that because of the hacking scandal, many network executive resigned, and they're getting a new boss. Then, the janitor reveals to them that he isn't even a he, and that the lady underneath is their new boss, Diana St. Tropez.
Diana introduces herself to the cooky staff of the Breakdown. She wants to bring it into the 21st Century, but Chuck doesn't agree. Greg and the rest of the team are happy to go along with her plans, and Katie is ecstatic. She's Katie's idol, and Carol isn't happy about that. Diana has decided to add a bunch of people to the news desk so they can scream at each other on TV, and Chuck hates the idea. Mainly because he won't be the center of attention. Diana then uses reverse psychology on Chuck to get him to sit in a certain seat, a big red chair. Katie enters Diana's office to pick her brain, but Diana is really busy so Katie has to make it quick. Katie asks Diana to be her mentor, and Diana is very unresponsive to her. After Katie finally shuts up, Diana rejects her request but gives her some advice before slamming the door on her. Carol watches the whole thing. Katie and Greg run into each other again, and they avoid the discussion of what happened between them once again. Then, the revamped show begins with a bunch of crazy people (and a gay dog) on their panel. The show is a true mess, and Chuck is getting frazzled. He struggles to say anything, and he doesn't say anything until the show ends. Carol is there to remind him that he did really bad.
Carol walks into Diana's office, and she asks to interview her for the newsletter. Diana agrees, and Carol's first interview question is a blatant insult. Diana starts talking about being a mom herself, but Carol freaks out and runs off, ending the interview. In the elevator, Katie runs into Diana and she tells her she saw a fertility doctor to freeze her eggs. She again asks to be her protege, but Diana again rejects her. Diana informs the anchors that the show hit a ratings high with the previous night's show. Chuck doesn't want to do the show like that again, but he's coaxed into doing it when he starts thinking that he's being replaced. Chuck tries to think of some lines for the show, and Portia actually starts to feel bad for him. Portia decides to let Chuck fail anyway though. Carol confronts Katie, and she thinks Katie is doing drugs. Katie tells her that she's just doing fertility treatment. Carol has a totally normal reaction to this - she tackles Diana for giving Katie the advice.
Carol keeps trying to get to Diana, but Diana holds her off with her arm. Diana gives Carol some advice. The show is back on with the crazy panelists, and Chuck is still having a lot of trouble. Portia helps him out by introducing a new hot topic, and Chuck actually gets a chance to say something. Katie breaks down crying because Diana won't take her under her wing, but Greg tries to comfort her. He says the wrong thing though, and gives her the bad advice to tell Diana to go to hell. So Katie does this, but she ends up finding a sobbing Carol. Diana tells Katie that she will take her under her wing after all, and Katie's ecstatic. Later on, Katie spills the beans to Carol on her kiss with Greg, and Carol is already planning the wedding.
This was a great premiere, and I think this is my favorite episode of Great News to date. Tina Fey makes everything better, so it's not exactly surprising that she made Great News even, ahem, greater. Her character was really funny and I hope we'll see more of Diana in the coming weeks. I also really loved Chuck in this episode, but as always, the highlight for me was Carol. Her parts of the episode were really funny, and I loved the episode-ending Carol and Katie scene. Also, the Boardroom panel of crazy people was hilarious and I hope this isn't the last we see of it.
My Score: 10/10
My Grade: A+
You already know how I felt about the episode, but how did you guys like it? Let me know in the comments below and don't forget to vote in the poll below.