FOX Renew/Cancel: Lethal Weapon Looking Solid For Renewal

Welcome to the next edition of FOX Renew/Cancel. While it may be too early to really know how shows will perform this season, and predictions are subject to change wildly, here are at least initial predictions.

The Table

Lethal Weapon
Lethal Weapon premiered a tiny bit under where it left off; nothing great, but also a nice improvement over some past time slot occupants. It should also be noted that the Season 2 premiere had to face The Voice and NCIS as competition and was FOX's highest-rated show that night. It held up much better than previous pre-Empire time slot occupant, Rosewood, did in its Season 2 move.

Star received a massive time slot upgrade and capitalized upon it, getting a 1.8 out of a 2.4 in L+SD ratings. That is well above where it performed throughout the majority of its first season, and that alongside relations with Lee Daniels should be more than enough for it to be renewed, assuming it doesn't collapse.

Gotham does not seem to be handling its move to Thursdays too well; the latest episode received a 0.9 in L+SD, 31% below its year-ago performance. It also is not owned by FOX, but rather Warner Brothers, which means FOX would not benefit from any potential syndication or streaming deals. With it finishing its 4th full season in the upcoming spring, Warner Brothers will have money from these deals despite the show not being in originals anymore should it be canceled. The fact that The Orville is performing significantly above it with even more competition also is not a positive factor.

Brooklyn Nine-Nine
Brooklyn Nine-Nine is not owned by FOX, but has a syndication deal with TBS for the first five seasons of the series. With this being the fifth season, it will fulfill the number of episodes TBS asked for, and the L+SD ratings aren't really all that great--it premiered to a 0.7 A18-49 L+SD rating.

The Mick
While The Mick premiered barely above Brooklyn Nine-Nine, at a 0.9 L+SD rating, New Girl is ending, Brooklyn Nine-Nine likely as well, and The Last Man On Earth declining, there's a chance they keep around The Mick to try to build a more established live-action comedy block. Ultimately, I think its most threatening competition will be the non-football-inflated episodes of Ghosted.

What do you think of these predictions? Let us know in the comments below!

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