What May Cause The Exorcist to be a Hit?
Well known movie
The film was so successful that five films were made, and everyone has probably heard of The Exorcist. I know that, unlike most movies that became TV shows recently, I've heard of The Exorcist.
Attracting ex-Grimm fans
Though it now hovers just beneath 1.0, Grimm used to be a quite popular show, and it attracted the kind of audience who will watch TV at 9:00 on Friday nights. Some of those ex-fans or people who don't care enough to watch the show live anymore, may tune in to The Exorcist, due to its similar theme and same timeslot.
What May Cause The Exorcist to be a Miss for FOX?
Lack of success for Friday shows
As you probably know by now if you've been reading these articles, I love listing shows. So, here's another list: Truth be Told, Constantine, Cristela, The Messengers, Dracula, Enlisted, Made in Jersey, Malibu Country. These, as you probably guessed, are shows that premiered on Friday and failed. To be fair, I should probably list the shows from the same years that premiered on Friday and succeeded, but Dr. Ken doesn't make a very long list.
Lack of success for shows based on movies
In the article for Lethal Weapon I listed six shows adapted from movies in recent seasons, all of which failed. The odds are not in The Exorcist's favor here.
Up against Grimm
There are two shows on broadcast television that I can think of the same/similar genre to The Exorcist, Grimm and Supernatural, the latter of which is weaker due to airing on the CW, but the former of which happens to air at the exact same time as The Exorcist. I think that current fans of Grimm are more likely to tune in to the sixth season show they enjoy than the first season show they may enjoy.
What to Expect for The Exorcist?
I think that the lack of success for Friday shows and shows based on movies will cause this show to fail, but I think it can premiere well due to it being a well known movie, and I don't think it will completely flop thanks to ex-Grimm fans.
Which factors do you think will be most in play in causing The Exorcist to be a hit or a miss? Leave your thoughts in the comments!
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