Outmatched: First on the headline is Outmatched. Outmatched has been downgraded to certain to be canceled this installment for many reasons. The main thing being that there is limited space on live action comedies. Given that animated comedies are ramping up in development at FOX, there's only one live action comedy likely to come to FOX next season. Even with a disrupted pilot season, I don't think FOX needs Outmatched by any means. Case in point, it only got 10 episodes for a midseason comedy instead of the typical 13. That likely signals a lack of faith in the show by a network standpoint. And borderline ratings are clearly not going to be enough for a post-Last Man Standing comedy. That is, unless you are an animated comedy.
The Resident: All season long, TVRG has debated over the ownership status and how it affects third season shows. Although deep down, I still think there is a glimmer of hope that disrupted pilot season gives it a chance for next season. However, that hope has been diminished. Let's face it here. The Resident ranks 9th out of 15 scripted shows. It's also ranked 4th out of 6 scripted dramas. Plus, like Last Man Standing, FOX does not own the show. Also, The Resident rates below the FOX scripted average. There are a lot of factors that work against The Resident as historically, FOX has canceled third season shows due to expenses, low/borderline ratings, lack of ownership stake, or a combination of all three. It's not necessarily rare for that network as of late. Plus, The Resident does not have three full seasons. Last season, FOX canceled every single scripted show that was below the FOX scripted average (except for The Orville which has moved to Hulu). So no, it is not totally, utterly wrong to point out ratings facts. It is not totally, utterly wrong to explain all the factors against it. I would debate it further but this is the final call. Maybe some people should focus on other things instead of bashing other people for pointing out things that contradict the narrative and accusing other medical shows for copying the show itself (which there is no empirical evidence of to the contrary). And just because a show has a cancelation prediction does not mean I do not like the show itself.
What do you think about this installment's predictions? Sound off in the comments below!