Crazy Ex-Girlfriend S2E11 Review

Everything is going right for Rebecca--if you ask her. However, this week it seems there may be a new love triangle forming.

S2E11 "Josh is the Man of My Dreams, Right?"

At the beginning of the episode, Rebecca is showing everyone at work her ring. The new boss has some good lines when he enters. The Santa Ana winds come, and these much exaggerated winds make things weird, such as Rebecca and the boss having a dream about each other. I am very much against this story, because either they are starting a new love triangle, or this is a filler episode, both of which would be bad.

Karen, George, and Paula talk about the dreams they had. Karen's is very funny, and it is funny when still no one remembers George's name. Paula's dream was of Darryl in a casket, holding a painting of the two of them. Rebecca and Nathaniel (the boss) end up getting stuck in the elevator together, which is really too typical, but at least it makes sense with the winds.

Rebecca tries to get out the elevator, and George can help them, but they have to say his name. This is very funny, especially when Rebecca says she can describe his face. Rebecca and Nathaniel end up talking about Harry Potter (of course Rebecca is a Ravenclaw), which I enjoyed. Darryl tries to fix things between Paula and Scott, but Paula doesn't want this. As Rebecca and Nathaniel talk, he says he is Slytherin, and Rebecca says that makes him evil, which I find to be a very non-Rebecca thing to think.

Rebecca calls to bribe a person to move her wedding, so Rebecca and Josh can have theirs in two weeks. It is very funny when she says that this person should change her Instagram settings to private because there are weirdos out there. Paula ends up deciding to give Scott another chance, and it is really a great moment. Paula tells Darryl that he is her best male friend, and I loved how excited about that he is about that.

And now for my thoughts on the songs of the episode...

Santa Ana Winds: I didn't really enjoy this song that much, as I didn't find any of the lines in it particularly funny. It actually got annoying how this song kept coming up. I did, however, enjoy the reference to You Stupid Bitch.

Let's Have Intercourse: This song had a couple of good lines, but isn't one of this show's great songs.

Your My Best Friend (and I Know I'm Not Yours): This was kind of a sweet song, and a very, very Darryl one. It was my favorite song of the episode.

This wasn't the best episode, and while I didn't like the whole Rebecca/Nathaniel thing, at least it had some use, and doesn't seem to be continuing.

Score: 7.5/10

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