One of TNT's longest-running series is no longer. The Librarians, which has aired on the network since 2014, has been canceled today, a little over one month after the conclusion of the series' fourth season. The show, which starred Rebecca Romijn and John Larroquette (of this season's quickly-canceled Me, Myself & I), drew moderately strong ratings, with a 0.3 average for its fourth and final season. The show was down a harsh 38% from its previous season. While the show drew decent ratings, this isn't much of a surprise, as the network has recently been phasing out its older programming, including recently-concluded series Major Crimes. The only show remaining that is older than The Librarians is The Last Ship, which is set to enter season 5 this year. The series is set to be shopped to other networks, in the hopes that it will be able to find a new home.
This was a correct prediction for The TV Ratings Guide, which predicted it as leaning cancelation in the most recent TNT Renew/Cancel.
What do you think of this news? Are you upset that The Librarians (likely) is no longer? Let us know in the comments below!
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