Valerie Solanas Died For Your Sins: Scumbag-
In episode 7 of American Horror Story Frances Conroy is finally back, which I've been waiting for for so long! Unfortunately, that return took place during a mediocre outing. The returns of seasoned AHS vets Conroy and Brewer couldn't save an episode that didn't really feel all-that-necessary. The episode didn't feel very relevant to the plot, especially since what Bebe told the women likely isn't true at all. While I (and likely most AHS fans) was excited for the episode because of Frances Conroy, the episode instead devoted most of its time to Lena Dunham's Valerie Solanas. It's a puzzling choice, since, while I though Dunham's performance was decent, she got more screen time in her singular episode than some of the best former AHS regulars like Emma Roberts and Mare Winningham got in theirs. I didn't really think her storyline warranted all that much attention, as it was just really strange. And not really in a good way. It was just a meh episode that was a waste of two AHS vets whose returns deserved to be better than this.
My Score: 5.5/10
My Grade: D+
Winter of Our Discontent-
It's almost a week after I first watched this episode, and I'm still not sure how I feel about it. It definitely made me uncomfortable during the scene in which Kai tries to make a messiah, that is for sure. That scene was super messed up. But then again, so is literally everything this season. One three notable things really happened this week: Winter killing Det. Samuels, Dr. Vincent dying, and Ally joining the Crazy Cult of Clowns. It felt more like set up to the rest of the season, which is fine, but I was hoping for something more to happen. The episode really was just-okay. However, I did enjoy the Rick Springfield cameo. That was really unexpected and interesting. Billie Lourd was great in this episode though, and Winter is proving to be a very interesting and unpredictable character. I'm hoping for more Bebe this season though, since this episode really didn't explain anything about her. I also missed Ivy this week. Just kidding!
My Score: 7.5/10
My Grade: B-
What did you think about these episodes? Let me know in the comments below!