This week’s
episode of NCIS: Los Angeles
is entitled Mountebank which means a charlatan, a person who deceives others,
especially to trick them out of their money.
It is an extremely apt title and to a greater or lesser extent can be
applied to most of the characters this week, from Sam’s undercover role,
Callen’s disliked financier alias who (ironically) is the victim of credit card
fraud, to Arkady and Deeks’ poker games, as well as the episode’s major and
minor criminals. The case of the week is
passed to NCIS after The Joint Terrorism Task Force intercepts a phone call
between Russian Oligarch Abram Sokolov and prominent investment banker Phillip
Nelson (a Navy Reservist), the first and last contact recorded by the JTTF
since surveillance commenced on Sokolov in 2014. Before the call ends Nelson falls victim to a
fatal hit and run on Mulholland Drive and the task force is left with the code
work ‘Mountebank’.
An episode
featuring a Russian Oligarch naturally begs for the return of everyone’s favourite
Russian rogue, Arkady Kolcheck. This
week Kensi and Deeks have the fun task of obtaining information about Sokolov
from Arkady - who of course knows every law-breaking Russian citizen at home
and abroad. Arkady is on fine form and
so is Deeks. They work well together
with Arkady as the hapless addicted gambler and Deeks winning not just Arkady’s
necklace with his poker hand, but also
Vladlena Sokolov (Abram’s sister’s)
jewellery, returning the latter in exchange for even more inside information on
her brother. The funniest thread is
Deeks’ interest in ‘man-jewellery’ which starts in Arkady’s bedroom, continues
in the boatshed and later with the team in the car prepping for an
assault. The information obtained is
almost forgettable however the underground Russian gambling den will not be
forgotten, primarily for Arkady literally having lost the shirt off his back
and Deeks’ arm wrestling and bling.
After the intense trauma experienced by Kensi last season (and Deeks by
proxy), they deserve the fun, partner-based antics they’ve been given here.
Once again Sam
is undercover as a hot shot financier in Nelson’s bank, relishing the
opportunity to display his junior math Olympian skills both in the office
(where he is nicely put down by Callen) and in the field. With Eric’s help in hacking a colleagues
computer, he discovered that mountebank is code for mirror trading. Nelson was buying shares in Russian stocks
with Sokolov’s rubles and selling the shares for the same price in US dollars
moments later. The team have to figure
out what Sokolov is using the money for and why new CEO Leigha Winters is
prepping Sam for a flight to Nicaragua . Unfortunately there is no fun in the
interrogation room as Leigha reveals all to Callen and a risky operation is put
in to play to which Mosley surprisingly agrees.
Although Callen and Sam were separated again this actually served the
narrative well, allowing two narratives to run concurrently.
The episode’s
subplot involves Callen’s investigation in to the credit card fraud of Dexter
Hughes with Nell working the technical angle.
The apartment rented by his identity thief bears a striking resemblance
to Callen’s own baron house, particularly in earlier seasons when he was still
sleeping on his bed roll and it is no surprise when the culprit turns out to be
an eighteen year old with a similar past.
There is a nice throw back to season six’s Rage when
questions about a
specific shelter’s bathroom tiles leads the boy to realise Callen was
responsible for punching a hole in the tiles which are now patched over and
also when Callen advises the boy he might have great potential. The word ‘might’ demonstrates Callen is not
willing to trust an eighteen year old version of himself but does offer him
stability, allowing him to keep the apartment and giving him his name and phone
number should he need it, wanting nothing in return. It was amusing to see Callen catch the boy
lying about his name. The wry smile from
Finn confirms a connection has been made.
It’s been a while since Callen’s childhood was last mentioned and little
reveals like this serve as a reminder of how much he has changed over the years
but also how he has remained the same, disobeying the rules, getting sassy with
his boss and generally disrespecting authority.
The case is
left open when the team dab Sokolov with overwatch spray and allow him to escape
to Russia . His only access to American money is through
the bank and Sam’s alias is also left in play.
Likewise the door has clearly been left open for Finn to return and seeing
Callen tempt a petty criminal with federal agent training would be a fascinating
insight as to how Hetty managed him all those years ago. Elsewhere investigations into Hetty’s
whereabouts continue and will move forward during next week’s episode. And finally - Eric and an oboe..? Thankfully he couldn’t figure out how to
attach the reed for a new way of summoning the team to ops!
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