The episode begins with Dylan's new secret snake on the loose in the house. When it wakes everyone up, it leads to a discussion about getting a dog. Everyone is on board with the idea of getting a service dog, as it would be allowed with their lease, unlike any other dog, but J.J. is against it. However, Dylan ends up writing a letter to get one, and there are some really funny lines about how Dylan misspelled things.
To understand what it's like to be like J.J, Dylan decides not to speak, which has funny results. Dylan, however, realizes that she is unable to really understand what it's like to be J.J, so instead she gives him a camera. At the end of the episode, J.J. shows the family a movie that he made with it, which is a really sweet way of him showing them his perspective. He also gets the family a dog, though it isn't a service dog. I found it surprising that Ray didn't object, considering the lease, but still it was a great ending.
When Taylor's mom wants to meet the DiMeos, Maya discovers that Taylor's mom is one of the people on her "dead to me" list. It was great to have this list come up again in this episode. Maya's excuses to Ray for not meeting Taylor's mom are hilarious, but Ray makes it happen anyway. Maya is unable to contain herself however, so Taylor's mom quickly leaves. Maya ends up apologizing, but when the apology isn't completely accepted, Ray stands up for his mom. It's a great ending, and I enjoyed Maya saying "sorry" to mean "thank you" to Ray.
When Kenneth complains about people taking advantage of a special going on at the supermarket, Jimmy hears about it, and decides to join in, searching for receipts that he can redeem for free turkeys. The scene where Kenneth tries to prevent Jimmy from getting the turkeys he has in his cart is very entertaining. In the end, Jimmy reveals to Kenneth that he wanted all the turkeys to give them to his employees, which is a sweet reason, but I do have a hard time believing that Jimmy wouldn't tell Kenneth earlier.
I really enjoyed how this episode brought up things from past episodes: Dylan's snake, the "dead to me" wall, and Kenneth's job at the supermarket. The strongest part of the episode was with Ray, Taylor, and their mothers, but all stories worked well and created an enjoyable episode.
Score: 9/10
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