Long-running animated series American Dad!, a Fox show once upon a time, stars Wendy School and Seth & Rachael MacFarlane. It entered its fourth season on TBS and its fifteenth overall on Christmas Day, and is set to return in February to begin airing the rest of that season. Below are the ratings for its current season, which was understandably down on Christmas but still did well.
The Joker's Wild is a revival of the classic series from the 1970s and 1980s, starring Snoop Dogg as the show's host. It did very well for the network, and was their #2 new show last year, behind the Guest Book. It averaged a 0.38 and a renewal decision was probably pretty easy to get to here.
Drop the Mic is lower-rated than both American Dad! and The Joker's Wild, but has still done pretty well, especially considering its 10:30 slot that it held for much of season one. It's also returning for its second season, and is hosted by Method Man and Hailey Baldwin.
What do you think of this news? Will you be watching any of these shows? Let us know in the comments below!