Ratings Analysis: New animated series 'Krapopolis' (0.88) made its debut in mediocre fashion on Fox, with the program retaining less than 30% of 'The OT' (3.09). Though this rating is on-par with what 'The Masked Singer' (0.87) did with a direct football lead-in, 'Masked Singer' had significantly less help from 'The OT' (1.87) on that evening. Considering that 'The Simpsons' is regularly at a 1.0 rating or higher with similar-sized assistance, this is not an encouraging showing for a series premiere. The 9 p.m. hour was occupied by a rerun of 'The Masked Singer' (0.28), while 'NFL Overrun' (6.49) held down the 7 p.m. time slot. Without massive NFL help, '60 Minutes' (0.61, -1.12) and 'Yellowstone' (0.40/0.37) plunged to a much lower level. 'Yellowstone' was roughly three-tenths behind last week's network debut (0.67). In comparison, the 10 p.m. 'Big Brother' (0.46, -0.03) was only a bit below its week-ago episode. ABC's special about actress Kerry Washington (0.12) underwhelmed in the 10 p.m. time slot. The 7 p.m. 'Global Citizen Festival' (0.12), the rerun of 'AFV' (0.19), and the encore of 'Step Into...The Movies with Derek and Julianne Hough' (0.11) did not do much better. On NBC, the 'Steelers v. Raiders' game (5.58) was slightly below last week's 'Dolphins v. Patriots' (5.63). 'The Chosen' (0.04, +0.01) picked up a hundredth on the CW and led into a repeat of 'The Swarm' (0.03).
Finals Update: The 9 PM episode of 'Yellowstone' (+0.1), 'Big Brother' (+0.1), 'NFL: Steelers v. Raiders' (+1.3), 'NFL Overrun' (+2.6), 'The OT' (+0.8), and 'Krapopolis' (+0.2) adjusted up. 'Football Night in America' (-0.8) and '60 Minutes' (-0.2) adjusted down.
(R) = repeat