Introducing TVRG’s First-Annual Renew/Cancel Odds Game

The TV Ratings Guide is kicking off an all-new game. This game, which we plan to conduct annually, will give readers the chance the guess how likely each in-season scripted show is to be renewed. Using the form attached below, you may put a number, 0 (least likely)-100 (most likely), for   every show, based on how likely you think it is that it will be renewed. Shows that debut in-season but spill into summer (like The Code) will be included, but shows that were once in-season but now are summer exclusives (like Instinct) will not be. The form may be submitted and altered as much as you want, and we will keep track of each guess, which will be averaged out to get your final score for each show. For example, if you submit forms at three separate times, and give a show 100%, 30%, and 45% odds, your final score for the show will be 58%. If the show ends up cancels, you will end up winning 8 points. If it is canceled, you will lose 8 points. For that reason, try to make each guess as realistic as possible. Thanks for playing, and remember, have fun!

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