1982-83 Soap Ratings

Written by Bridger Cunningham

NBC's 3:00-4:00 hour suffered, with DOCTORS and Texas hemorrhaging to severe levels, prompting the network to cancel both on December 31.  Come summer, ABC attempted another soap in the 12:00 hour with Loving.

ABC continued to reign, though all franchises took a hit.  OLTL, RH and EDGE each shed over a point, and GH over two.  ABC held steady, and NBC was forced to rebuild.  DOCTORS lost half of its viewers and was cancelled months shy of its 20th anniversary, and SFT continued to lose ground.

Enjoy this entry and want to see how the other seasons ranked?  Follow this link for dozens of other seasons profiled: http://www.tvratingsguide.com/2017/12/tvrg-ratings-library-daytime-soaps.html

Source -- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_U.S._daytime_soap_opera_ratings

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