The 1950-51 saw the premiere of three soap operas between NBC and CBS. It started with CBS premiering The First Hundred Years in December 1950, followed by NBC debuting their soaps in the spring.
Hawkins Falls was the leader of the pack, likely due to the exposure it previously received as a prime time dramedy. Still, a 13.7 HH rating was just a fraction of what the top prime time shows were notching that season — the top 30 ranged from a 31.5 to a 61.5 rating.
All three soaps aired for 15 minutes each, with the rest of the half hour filled out by one of many daytime variety shows.
Hawkins Falls and The First Hundred Years were renewed for a second season. Miss Susan managed to make the fall 1951 schedule, airing the latter retooled part of what was still considered its first season. It would not, however, get a Season 2.