Despite planning on ending the show with the fifth season, Netflix has renewed Lucifer for a sixth season, with the show cheating death once again. Originally canceled by Fox in 2018, the show proved to be massively popular and had a Twitter campaign to save the show. It was picked up for season four the following month by Netflix. The fourth season was seemingly popular and the show was renewed for season five, but they announced that that would be the final season in June 2019. They then added episodes to season five's order, before rumors emerged that they were looking to extend the show's run. That is now official with the show's renewal for a sixth season, which they have promised will truly be its final season. Netflix hasn't announced an episode count for season six. Tom Ellis, Lauren German, Kevin Alejandro, Rachael Harris, DB Woodside, and Lesley-Ann Brandt star in the series and are all original cast members.
What do you think of this news? Are you excited to see Lucifer cheat death one final time? Let us know in the comments!
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