Evergreen Aimee Season 4 Episode 7 - One Moment in Time (Midseason Premiere)

Evergreen Aimee Season 4 Episode 7
One Moment In Time

Aimee is sitting in her office while on the phone with Alec.

Aimee: How are you feeling today?

Alec: Why? What’s today?

Aimee: Alec, come on. We both know what today is. It’s the whole reason I called, I needed to give some moral support.

Alec: I already had a surprise drop-in from Lynette today.

Aimee: I’m sorry about that, I need you to know I was not involved in any way with it.

Alec: I’d certainly hope not!

Aimee: Ten years in that apartment. It’s gotta be hard to say goodbye.

Alec: It’s not the apartment so much, it’s the whole way of life. I’m used to being in Congress. I’m used to structure, and collaborative work, and seeing all of my friends every day. This has been like home for me, being a political animal is all I can remember at this point.

Aimee: I have a lot of respect for you heading back to Illinois. You could’ve easily used this as a launchpad to a cable news career of a job as a lobbyist, but you’re going home instead, back into the unknown. Few in our world know how to do that.

Alec: I don’t know what I’m going to do with myself. How do I go from the Army to Congress to working some office job in Illinois?

Aimee: You’ve got time to figure it all out. Sabrina’s got a good job to keep you all afloat, no?

Alec: Thank God for that. I’m so grateful for her. She’s working hard and giving me plenty of time to find a good job suitable for me back home.

Aimee: Have you considered writing a book? Your role in the impeachment got you a lot of coverage, I bet you could get a big book deal. That’s a job that’ll take several months, and you can look for other jobs while you’re doing it.

Alec: I’m not sure I've got much of anything worth saying. I won’t write a book just as a cash grab.

Aimee: You have such integrity and honor.

Alec: I try.

Aimee: I should let you go, you have to get your packing done, and I’ve got a committee hearing to get to soon.

Alec: I’m gonna try and swing by and see you tonight, okay?

Aimee: Tonight? Will you be done with your packing by then?

Alec: No, but I’ve got a full weekend to finish it before I have to be out. You’re going to be out of here tomorrow just after work, I need to see you before then.

Aimee: You talk as if we’re never going to see each other again.

Alec: Of course we’ll see each other, it just won’t be as often, and that’s going to be a bummer.

Aimee: I hope you know, my line’s always open, and you can call whenever you wish.

Alec: I never doubted that for a second.

Aimee: See you tonight, then.

Alec: See you tonight!

One hour later…

Gwen: Hey, girl!

Aimee: Gwen, I can already tell you’re acting strange. What’s on your mind?

Gwen: Nothing…

Aimee: You raised your voice right there.

Gwen: No I didn’t…

Aimee: Mildred, can you tell me what’s wrong with her? Is she dying?

Mildred: I told her not to be so dramatic.

Aimee: She has three Tonys, this is in her blood.

Gwen: There’s big news! Huge! Life-changing!

Mildred: She’s overselling it.

Gwen: The US Senate will NEVER be the same again! Never!

Aimee: What’s this Senate-changing event? Is Kate stepping down?

Mildred: Please, Gwen would have already blurted that out by now. This is far less exciting.

Aimee: What is it, then?

Mildred: Well, a seat is -

Gwen: Paul Packard is resigning as the Senator for Illinois because the FBI did a raid on his house and charges are about to be filed. We don’t know what it’s for, but he’s gone.

Aimee: Oh, wow! I don’t know Paul that well. He always sort of kept to himself.

Gwen: Yeah, well he was busy doing crimes.

Aimee: Very true, apparently.

Mildred: Most notable is my state has a Republican governor. You may know some Republicans in Illinois…

Aimee: I do indeed. Are you implying something?

Mildred: I think you should ask your friend Alec about serving. I’d ask, but he’d think I have some sort of agenda.

Aimee: Do you not have some sort of agenda?

Mildred: Yes, but I don’t want him to know that.

Aimee: I think he’s moving on from politics, but I can ask. I have to ask you now, why do you want him to fill the seat?

Gwen: For starters, he’s normal.

Mildred: I’d have put it a bit more delicately, but yes. Like you, Alec is someone I can politely, respectfully disagree with, and not a total partisan hack.

Aimee: You guys have sixty other Senate seats, are you really so worried about this one?

Gwen: Wouldn’t it be fun for you to keep your friend around? I know I like him, I’d be happy to see him around here still.

Mildred: And she doesn’t like any Republicans!

 : Not any! You’re the first one I’ve ever even spoken to without shouting at.

Aimee: You did shout at me at first.

Gwen: That was just hazing, I do that with anyone.

Aimee: I’m meeting with Alec tonight, I’ll try my best to sell him on this then, because it would be nice to have him around again. The real question, though, is would the governor actually appoint him? He’s not terribly popular with the base, he lost his primary for a reason.

Mildred: He would if the Senate Minority Leader, the Senate Minority Whip and the Chair of the Senate Republican Conference all specially requested him. Think of how much more electable he is than some wackadoodle like, say… downstate congresswoman Marie Monroe, who praised Hitler once. We don’t want to deal with her, and neither do you, or Greg, or Gerry.

Aimee: This is a lot of talking I’m going to have to do.

Gwen: You’re a great debater!

Aimee: I really only looked so good at my Senate debate because I was debating against no one.

Gwen: We believe in you!

Mildred: Good luck, kiddo!

Aimee: Ah, gee, thanks.

Later that night…

Dave: Are you okay?

Aimee: Why do I ask?

Dave: You just worked all day and immediately after getting home, you’re putting the house in order like you’re expecting the King to stop in.

Aimee: Alec is stopping in, he’s packing up his DC apartment and returning to Illinois this weekend and wanted to see us all before he goes.

Dave: That would explain it.

Aimee I’ve actually been asked to talk to him about something, so I’m a bit nervous.

Dave: Asked by who? And about what?

Aimee: Wow, you’re like one of those CNN reporters who follows me out of my office.

Dave: I’m just naturally curious.

Victoria: As am I!

Aimee: You see what you’ve done, Dave? Now we got her involved!

Victoria: You’re in my house, remember that!

Aimee: Senator Packard from Illinois is resigning due to criminal charges. Illinois has a Republican governor. Some of my Democrat friends want me to push Alec to seek the Senate seat.

Victoria: That would be great! He actually cares about the country over his party, he’d make for a great senator. Not happy about Senator Packard, though. I liked him!

Aimee: I did not. He wasn’t welcoming at all. He was very… not rude, but reserved, kept to himself.

Victoria: But when I don’t keep to myself, it’s a problem?

Aimee: I didn’t hate Senator Packard. We just weren’t friends. I’d certainly take Alec over him any day. I do worry he won’t want the job, though. He gives me the impression that he’s ready to step aside and out of the political spotlight. I respect it, but I’d also love to see him lobby for an appointment to the Senate seat.

There’s a knock at the door.

Aimee: I bet that’s him now!

Dave: It could also be Amazon. Victoria orders… a lot.

Victoria: I don’t order that much!

Dave: This is a safe space, we don’t have to lie about our spending habits here.

Aimee opens the door.

Aimee: Alec! Good to see you!

Alec: What’s wrong? I can hear it in your voice, you’ve got something on your mind.

Aimee: Me? Something on my mind? Never!

Alec: Aimee, carefully consider what you just said.

Aimee: Nothing wrong, right?

Alec: You said you never have anything one your mind. I’d say that more aptly describes Lynette.

Aimee: Aww, she’s not here to defend herself.

Alec: I like it that way, it’s a chore to wait for her to think up a comeback.

Aimee: Come on in, sit down.

Alec: I brought flowers.

Dave: Are you trying to take my wife out on a date?

Alec: Don’t worry, I brought you something, too!

Dave: I was just pulling your leg, but now my interest is officially piqued.

Alec: It’s not much, but who doesn’t like cookies?

Dave: Are these from Costco?

Alec: Sure are!

Dave: Those are my favorites!

Alec: And Victoria, I saved the best for you!

Victoria: That better be a bag of chocolates.

Alec: It is!

Victoria: Oh my god, I’m gonna miss you!

Alec: I’ll only ever be a phone call away.

Victoria: Goodbyes are so hard, aren’t they?

Aimee: That actually brings me around to something!

Alec: I knew it! You have something up your sleeve!

Aimee: Nothing bad.

Alec: Let’s hear it so I can be the judge of that.

Aimee: Have you heard the news today?

Alec: I’ve been busy packing.

Aimee: Maybe stop the packing, because this is huge!

Alec: Unless they invented something that can pack an apartment for you, I will not be doing that.

Aimee: Paul Packard is resigning from the Senate, your governor will be appointing a replacement. As you’re aware -

Alec: Are you implying what I think you’re implying?

Aimee: Yes! You need to be the new senator for Illinois!

Victoria: It would be one way to keep you around!

Aimee: Your voice is needed in the Senate. A sane, grounded, independent voice. Like me!

Alec: I would never get appointed even if I wanted it.

Aimee: Leave that to me! I jut want you to go along with it if it’s offered.

Alec: I’m leaving my apartment in days, my wife thinks I’m finally moving home.

Aimee: Sabrina would understand! Besides, it would only be for a few years.

Alec: If it’s only for a few years, why do you care so much?

Aimee: It would keep the gang together for a bit longer! Let’s be honest, I’ve only got four years left in Congress myself. Lynette, too. Carolyn could retire at any moment, her races keep tightening. It’s coming to an end, but it doesn’t have to end just yet!

Alec: If, by some miracle, the governor asks me to serve, I will. But let’s not get too attached to that. We can enjoy this day as if it really is my DC sendoff.

Aimee: We can do that, but I’ll work my magic, and I’ll get you that seat!

Victoria: She has a hard time with letting go, Alec, don’t mind her.

Aimee: I was perfectly ready to step away from all of this myself years ago, and then I accidentally won. If I gotta stay in this city, I’m keeping my friends here, too!

Alec: It feels like you’re taking me hostage.

Aimee: I will if I need to!

The next day…

Greg: Senator Ferrera Donahue, lovely to see you. I’m running a bit short on time, so could I ask what this meeting’s about?

Geraldine: I can’t say the same, I’ve quickly learned that a whip does practically nothing.

Greg: Not when you’re in a superminority, you don’t.

Geraldine: You could stop pointing that out, you know.

Greg: It’s impossible for me to ever not think about. I’m astounded that no one has done a coup against me yet.

Geraldine: Come on, it’s not your fault. It’s the president who’s really screwing up.

Aimee: I thought time was short?

Greg: You’re right, we’ll shut up.

Geraldine: Speak for yourself, I like to yap!

Aimee: As you know, we are gaining a Senate seat.

Greg: Yes, the one Senate seat that will change everything!

Aimee: Forty senators are better than thirty-nine.

Greg: Is it really thirty-nine when you vote with us less than half the time, and then the Mainers never vote together on practically anything?

Geraldine: It’s still one more seat, so don’t be negative.

Greg: What is it about the seat, anyway? We have no say in it, the governor will probably appoint one of his cronies who will get to serve two years before getting demolished.

Aimee: I had an idea for who should be appointed.

Geraldine: Since when do you have opinions on stuff like this? You never had any input when I asked for your thoughts on NRSC endorsements.

Aimee: I’m chair of the conference now, it’s in my best interest to try and do what’s best for the party. I think I know someone electable, who’ll give us a realistic shot of holding an Illinois seat.

Greg: No one will give us a chance of winning a seat in Illinois.

Aimee: Are you aware of what state I’m from? One that voted over five points to the left of Illinois!

Greg: I hardly doubt the Democrats nominate a murderer this time, they’ve surely learned to do better oppo research now.

Aimee: Alec Kefauver has moderate bona fides and is very popular in the mainstream media. He voted for impeachment, he voted -

Greg: He’d never win a primary! He got blown out!

Geraldine: I get he’s your good pal, but the party would revolt.

Aimee: I voted for impeachment, I have a record just as moderate as his, I survived a primary. Republicans in Washington didn’t melt down.

Geraldine: That situation was incredibly different.

Aimee: I don’t see how!

Geraldine: He badly lost his most recent primary. There is obvious evidence that he’s unpopular with voters in Illinois, and this would be handing him a free Senate term. It would be a slap in the face to those in Illinois who remained devoted to the party in spite of constant defeat.

Aimee: What better way to reward them than by giving them a senator who can win an election? The governor’s a moderate Republican, and he won. Yes, it was against a corrupt and unpopular incumbent, but he won. Alec can use a similar playbook and hold that seat for us. Every seat counts!

Greg: I agree with you.

Aimee: You do?

Greg: Winning is more important than purity. I may not agree with him on everything, but he’ll be a more reliable vote than any Democrat, and he has the best chance of winning a general election out of all the possible candidates. Of course, it’s up to the governor, but I’m sure you know that and have some sort of plan.

Aimee: The the three highest-ranked Republicans in the Senate reach out to the governor to suggest Congressman Kefauver for the vacancy, I think he’d listen.

Geraldine: Being a top-ranked Senate Republican in this day and age is about as powerful a position as being president of the Katy Perry fan club! Why would he care about listening to us? We’re irrelevant in every way!

Aimee: One day, we won’t be. Well, you won’t be. I’m not winning re-election.

Geraldine: You could win.

Aimee: Let’s not lie to ourselves. But you two will gain in power, and you’ll be in the position to return a favor to the governor.

Greg: I don’t know if he will agree, but we can talk to him. It can’t hurt.

Aimee: Thank you, all I ask! I’ll leave you be now.

Greg: No, go ahead and stay!

Aimee: I thought you were busy?

Greg: Dammit, I forgot about my meeting with the president!

Geraldine: Gee, I wonder why we keep losing Senate seats.

Two days later, at Cherie and Ernesto’s…

Cherie: So, Aimee, how are you enjoying that promotion of yours?

Aimee: I’m not sure it’s really a “promotion.” I don’t get paid more.

Ernesto: Then what are you doing it for? Didn’t I teach you better than that? Never do moe work for the same pay!

Aimee: It’s a privilege, an honor. I’m the chair of the Senate Republicans!

Kimmy: And what, exactly, does that entail? Do you, like, plan the parties and organize the Secret Santa and buy the get well cards to send the other members when they’re sick?

Aimee: I manage our meetings, I have a larger office, I’m in charge of assigning committee positions, and I’m consulted on our legislative agenda.

Kimmy: You guys have a legislative agenda? All eight of you?

Aimee: You know, you don’t need to rub our bad luck in our faces.

Kimmy: Oh, I do!

Manuela: Damn right, kiddo! Own those Republican snowflakes!

Cherie: Why is she talking like that?

Victoria: I don’t know, but I like it.

Kimmy: I introduced her to TikTok.

Cherie: A grave mistake, clearly.

Manuela: You’re just jealous I have mad rizz now!

Cherie: Speak English!

Aimee: So anyway, I’m enjoying the new position. It’s nice to be included and to be taken seriously.

Kimmy: Didn’t they ever take you seriously before?

Aimee: Not particularly, but guess who’s top dog now?

Cherie: Aren’t you #3?

Aimee: Yes, but “third dog” is not a saying.

Victoria: I think being third dog is very impressive, you’ve only been in office two years.

Ernesto: Stop saying “third dog.”

Manuela: Yeah, I’ve never heard that on TikTok!

Ernesto: Because it’s not a real saying!

Kimmy: As if that ever stopped TikTokers from saying things.

Aimee gets a phone call.

Aimee: It’s from Alec, I have to take this.

Dave: She’s trying to force him into taking a job.

Aimee: Not force, encourage.

Victoria: It was pretty much forced.

Cherie: Really, what job?

Aimee: Mom, I gotta take this.

Dave: The open senate seat in Illinois.

Cherie: Oh, he’d be great for that! And then you guys could keep up your little club!

Dave: Oh, she already thought of that, believe me. She’s giddy about the four amigos staying together.

Aimee answers her phone.

Alec: Aimee, big news!

Aimee: Oh my god, are you saying -

Alec: I didn’t get it.

Aimee: Oh, Alec! I’m sorry I hyped this up so much. You know, being a senator’s not even that good, anyway!

Alec: I’m pulling your leg! Governor Rainey just called me to ask me to serve as Illinois’ next US Senator. You’re the first person I told after Sab!

Aimee: I’m honored!

Alec: He said he got calls from you and Senator Sherwood and Senator McAllister recommending me. You got me this job.

Aimee: I did. No thank you needed, that it worked at all is enough of a reward.

Alec: We’re going to be coworkers again!

Aimee: Could you have ever imagined, all those years ago when we were freshman Republicans from deep blue states, that we’d ever both be senators?

Alec: Not in a million years.

Aimee: I guess I’ll see you at work on next week!

Alec: I can’t believe it. And I just finished packing up the apartment!

Aimee: At least you did’t ship it yet. Right?

Alec: I don’t want to talk about it.

Aimee: I’ll let you sort that out. I’m with my family, I’ll tell them the good news.

Alec: Tell Victoria I said hi! Oh, and Dave.

Aimee: Will do.

Aimee hangs up.

Aimee: Well… Alec is going to be a senator!

Victoria: That’s great!

Cherie: I’m very glad to hear that. You need a good friend by your side in DC.

Aimee: You say that like I don’t have any other friends.

Cherie: Well… you could use all the friends you can get. Let’s just say that.

Kimmy: Did mom just call Aimee a loser?

Manuela: It sure sounded like it. So cap.

Kimmy: We’re gonna take your phone away, grandma.

Manuela: Stop being my opp!

Ernesto: It’s so upsetting to watch a parent slowly lose her mind.

Cherie: As if she ever had one.

The next week, on the Senate floor…

Lynette: This is it, Alec! You’re about to join us!

Alec: I’m starting to feel a bit apprehensive about it.

Aimee: Ah, ignore that. You’re just feeling that way because of Lynette. You’ll find creative ways to ignore her.

Lynette: Excuse me?

Aimee: You’re in the club now, Alec. As you belong!

Alec: What can I say, politics is my vice that I just can’t quit!

What did you think of the midseason premiere of Evergreen Aimee? Let us know in the comments and make sue to read a new episode next week!

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