Ratings Analysis: ABC's The Bachelorette (0.45) returned with a rating that was a full tenth higher than its 2023 season premiere (0.35), making it Monday night's highest-rated program on broadcast television. On NBC, American Ninja Warrior (0.31, -0.02) slipped, but The Wall (0.23, +0.04) climbed higher. The 1% Club (0.22, -0.03) declined on Fox as Name That Tune (0.22) went into repeat-mode. All American (0.08, 0.00) held steady on the CW and led into the season premiere of spin-off series All American: Homecoming (0.06). CBS aired repeats (0.21/0.20/0.21/0.18). Key: (P) = premiere. (R) = repeat.
Monday TV Ratings 7/8/24: The Bachelorette Returns Heavily Up from 2023 Premiere, All American: Homecoming Sinks in Premiere, The Wall Rises [+ Analysis]
Wednesday, July 10, 2024
All American ratings
American Ninja Warrior ratings
Homecoming ratings
repeat ratings
Shark Week ratings
The 1% Club ratings
the bachelorette ratings
the wall ratings