ABC's groundbreaking sitcom Fresh Off the Boat will come to an end when its current season wraps in early 2020. The show has occupied a Friday slot for the past two seasons, where it will finish its run on February 21, 2020. The show debuted in the 2014-15 season, becoming a surprise midseason success that earned a slot on the Tuesday fall schedule. It survived many timeslot changes over the course of its run, and remained a respectable player throughout. It currently averages a 0.5, making it the lowest-rated ABC sitcom but still higher than previous timeslot occupant Speechless. The show notable for being the longest-running Asian-American family sitcom of all time, with a cast that includes Constance Wu, Randall Park, Hudson Yang, Forrest Wheeler, Ian Chen, and Lucille Soong.
This was a correct prediction for The TV Ratings Guide.
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