1) CW Shows by Cast Photo

I found this quiz because I was thinking about creating it. When I found it already exists, I played it and thought it was pretty good. There were some shows omitted that I wish would have been included, but I still enjoyed it. And to make up for Crazy Ex-Girlfriend not being included in the quiz, I used a cast photo of it in this blog.
Number of Questions:16
My Score:16
2) 'Supernatural' Characters by Picture

I'll admit that I haven't yet seen Supernatural, but that won't stop me from including this quiz. I know a good quiz when I see one, and this is a good quiz. I did terrible at it. I got 11, and most were just from entering random names.
Number of Questions: 48
My Score: 11
3) Gilmore Girls Character-Actor Match (qlh27 quiz of the week)

I really love Gilmore Girls, and I'm incredibly excited for the Netflix revival. I made this quiz because I thought it would make for an interesting play. I think Gilmore Girls had one of the best casts on TV, because every actor on that show was talented. I can't wait to see them all back in those roles.
Number of Questions: 19
My Score: N/A
If you missed it, here's the unpublished quizzes edition.
And here's the Inaugural Edition.
And the qlh27 Edition.
And the Editor Picked Edition.
And the Animation Edition.
And the SNL Edition.
And the Sitcoms edition.
And the clickable edition.
1) The Middle of Nashville- 74 Points
2) JB- 73 Points
3) Andrew- 36 Points
This is the ninth week of the 1st TVRG-Sporcle Tournament. For each week, the winner of the week gets a varying amount of points, depending of how many people participated. If 5 people participate, the winner gets 4 point, if 6 participate, the winner gets 5 points, etc. For each place lower, the point increment drops by one point. At the end of 10 weeks, the person with the most points will win.
Tournament Standings:
1) The Middle of Nashville- 33 Points
2) JB- 31 Points
3) Andrew- 18 Points
4) Full Boyle- 6 Points
5) HV- 3 Points
6) theratingsjunkie- 0 Points
