Saturday TV Ratings 8/19/23: Stand Up to Cancer Weak Amid NFL Preseason Preemptions, Great Chocolate Showdown Steady, 48 Hours Repeat Leads (UPDATED)

Ratings Analysis: The 2023 'Stand Up to Cancer' telecast was abysmal all-around on Saturday evening. ABC (0.12) got the highest rating out of the 'Cancer' special, with CBS (0.10) close behind. NBC (0.08) and Fox (0.07) were unable to even cross the 0.1 threshold with their showings. ABC followed the special with reruns of 'Shark Tank' (0.12/0.13). CBS was a step above with encores of '48 Hours' (0.14/0.17). NBC re-ran 'America's Got Talent' (0.10), while Fox went with a 'MasterChef' repeat (0.08). The CW's 'Great Chocolate Showdown' (0.05, 0.00) was steady and led into 'Recipe For Disaster' (0.04/0.03). 'Disaster' was stable at 9 but dipped by a hundredth for the 9:30 p.m. episode. 

Finals Update: 'Stand Up to Cancer' on ABC (-0.1), CBS (-0.2), Fox (-0.3), and NBC (-0.4) adjusted down. Both episodes of 'Recipe for Disaster' (-0.1 each) adjusted down. Finally, repeats of 'Shark Tank' (-0.1 each), '48 Hours' (-0.3, -0.2), 'America's Got Talent' (-0.3), and 'Masterchef' (-0.2) all adjusted down.



18-49 Rating

18-49 Share

Viewers (mil)


8 PMStand Up to Cancer0.1210.98ABC

Stand Up to Cancer0.1010.77CBS

Stand Up to Cancer0.0810.76NBC

Stand Up to Cancer0.0710.39Fox

Great Chocolate Showdown0.0510.30The CW
9 PM48 Hours (R)0.1421.24CBS

Shark Tank (R)0.1211.00ABC

America's Got Talent (R)0.1011.22NBC

MasterChef (R)0.0810.47Fox

Recipe for Disaster0.0410.17The CW
9:30 PMRecipe for Disaster0.0310.13The CW
10 PM48 Hours (R)0.1721.59CBS

Shark Tank (R)0.1321.00ABC
(R) = repeat

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