Hi! In case this is your first time reading my summer renew/cancel predictions post, I'm Hunter and I will be posting these predictions each weekend this summer, covering the summer shows on the five major broadcast networks. This is week four, and this week the CW's Dates premiered. Other than that, this week was boring, with no renewal or cancelation news. But that doesn't mean that my predictions will be boring! Here are the summer shows divided into categories, and then my in-detail thoughts on a few of them. Enjoy!
Format for predictions:
Show title (network) (average adults 18-49 rating)
Certain to be Canceled
Dates (CW) (0.2)
Golan the Insatiable (FOX) (0.5)
Will Likely be Canceled
The Astronaut Wives Club (ABC) (0.9)
Wayward Pines (FOX) (1.1)
The Whispers (ABC) (1.0)
Extant (CBS) (0.8)
Mistresses (ABC) (0.8)
Rookie Blue (ABC) (0.7)
Will Likely be Renewed
Under the Dome (CBS) (1.2)
Zoo (CBS) (1.2)
Certain to be Renewed
Fate Determined
A.D.: The Bible Continues (NBC) CANCELED
American Odyssey (NBC) CANCELED
Aquarius (NBC) RENEWED
Beauty and the Beast (CW) RENEWED
Yet to Premiere
The Carmichael Show (NBC)
Mr. Robinson (NBC)
Significant Mother (CW)
Welcome to Sweden (NBC)
Last week, The Astronaut Wives Club dropped two tenths, and I dropped it from "will likely be renewed" to "toss-up", joining its fellow ABC Thursday night dramas Mistresses and Rookie Blue, and I promised that one of the three would move this week. After The Astronaut Wives Club got the same rating in the same week as Mistresses, which is in its third season and is produced Canada, I knew it had to move. I doubt that ABC would renew both The Astronaut Wives Club and Mistresses, and Mistresses is the obvious first choice. But, Mistresses is still a toss-up, because those ratings are far from great.
I don't know why the CW even decided to air Dates. It aired its first (and so far only) season in the UK in summer 2013, and with no season since then I am wondering if it was canceled. But, even if it was a show that already had multiple seasons produced UK, the CW would likely not renew it, with its second episode hitting 0.1. Since there is only one season in existence in the UK, that means we can be certain that the CW will cancel Dates, and I'm betting that it will be one week from today.
Rookie Blue, despite its low ratings, is still a toss-up on my list. I will admit, that's kind of crazy, considering that Motive, which was also a Canadian show, was canceled last season with much higher ratings. But, this summer ABC's programming is doing a lot worse than last summer (except for its successful Sundays). Rookie Blue rose in this season's second week, despite it being July 2nd, the Thursday before the 4th. It was flat this week, which almost makes we want to move it down. But, I will wait for now. Another advantage that Rookie Blue has versus Motive is that Rookie Blue has three times as many seasons already produced. Rookie Blue is still hanging on to the "toss-up" section, but it will need to reach 0.8 or higher in the next couple of weeks to stay there, and if it hits 0.6 again soon, it will be gone.
The "certain to be renewed" section is still vacant as of now, but I doubt it will be for much longer. Zoo was flat in its second week. The second week for a new show is too early for me to be certain that it will be renewed, but the third isn't. Under the Dome is doing decently, and it is also likely to move soon.
Next week, there will probably be at least one show in the "certain to be renewed" section, and probably a third show will join Dates and Golan the Insatiable in the "certain to be canceled" section. Certainty is on its way, come back next week to see!
Do you agree or disagree with my predictions? How do you think the upcoming summer shows will do? Leave a comment with your thoughts!