New Ratings Database Features

The Ratings Junkie Wednesday, May 31, 2017
Although the regular season has come to a close, summer is now here and there are still plenty of shows on the air. With this come two additions to the ratings base: year-to-year percentage trends (when applicable) and projected ratings.

The year-to-year percentage trends will only apply to shows that are returning for another season in the summer and already have a ratings database page. Those are shows like To Tell The Truth and The Wall. This will be highlighted in yellow as demonstrated below.

The projected ratings are my projections for the seasonal averages based on a given show's current ratings and what its trends and/or future competition will be. This will be highlighted in blue, and I plan on changing these projections on every airing. Only the most recent projections will be shown, but a separate projection page will be made. These projections will be color coded just like the raw numbers; an above average projection is in a shade of green, an average projection in white, and a below average projection in a shade of red. Take a look at the page for The Wall as an example.

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